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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2009 in all areas

  1. I have to say: although many of you think filing reports blow . . omg they rule. I've defaced accusations against Ordo 3 times today based on the sheer number of reports we have, proving the presence of attackers and misconduct on sim. Love you guys.
    2 points
  2. As of 09JULY09, the Militant Collective is to be considered HOSTILE. However, special conditions apply! The Collective is an Iron Symphony group, as such, if MC personnel are wearing IRON SYMPHONY tag and are unarmed, they may visit. Refer to posted standard operating procedure: 07JULY09-I: Any Iron Symphony signature group listed as "hostile" may visit Titan while wearing the Faces of the Iron Symphony appropriate tag during visitation. Privilege exclusive to fellow Iron Symphony member groups. Privilege may not be revoked unless OIC deems it pertinent to the situation and time. Any such revoking should be case by case and documented.
    2 points
  3. Pictures compliments of Seb and Icedphoenix!
    2 points
  4. damm, thats very nicely done, love it
    2 points
  5. Note Fox Kilian trying to act cool as he flips off the camera, meanwhile half the people sitting down are taller than him.
    2 points
  6. The new reputation system is pretty cool. If someone makes a good and useful post, you can show your support to their efforts and bump them up a reputation point. It really adds up over time if everyone participates. If someone makes a not so helpful post, or flames, spams, or degrades, you can down their reputation! I drew a vector directional field to help visualize the experience.
    2 points
  7. First of all, I got this from another forum, some download one, so i just thought it would be cool to have it on here. Anyway here is how it works: we take turns to post the next number and see how high we can get. Remember: - do not post more than 1 number at a time until someone else posts the next number - do not deliberately mess up the numbering - comments are welcome as long as you post the next number - you can also post a pictures with a number in, BUT it have to be the number following. Good Luck! Let's start: 1
    1 point
  8. What with the recent forum update and all, there are a few new features that I, and probably at least several others, are still wondering as to the function of. The biggest one, for me at least, is this whole 'Reputation' business. While I assume it's some sort of rating system, I can't find any sort of 'Rate Me' button, which begs the question, "How does one increase or decrease one's reputation if there's no visible means to do so?" So, here's the obligatory 'WTF' thread. Enjoy.
    1 point
  9. You can't break them cuffs.
    1 point
  10. You can try, but don't spam in the process. ;) Post count isn't as important as the content in the posts you're making.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. If people are afk outside, point me to them silently. I'll use my Imperator powers to stab them.
    1 point
  13. That is me on Caine's bad computer, pwning TFM.
    1 point
  14. Kabangeh is an animator of typical furry activity. 'nough said. As for the others, aside from Uchi and Fox I draw a total blank.
    1 point
  15. I'm sure its on everyones minds too, but.. Who the hell is Cookie.. and half the other people in that picture.. I recognise only a couple... by their names of course.
    1 point
  16. Contra and Rashia were rooming with Equino and Smittens. They're both VERY nice guys and won awesome points from me. :]
    1 point
  17. I should have gone this year hoku >: zeri was even planning to go as well but of course I blew my money on a 2 week trip to MN leaving this sat, but I'll be on normally thanks to building a gaming computer at work \o/ Quadro Graphics ftw
    1 point
  18. Gen, I'ma be there so you had better.
    1 point
  19. Snow we should totally go next year and bring the awesomeness that is Canada... and Keller. o:
    1 point
  20. Haha, Contradiction Dawg looks fly.
    1 point
  21. Its about time we annex your little country! Well at least the non french speaking part >.> Yus, french speaking part can GTFO >:C
    1 point
  22. Since you guys all love Sparta and his AMAZING KING BRUNO, who is epic and has alot of friends in the hate community, i thought i let you all know that Second chance is back. That is all
    1 point
  23. OMGFOXFLIPPED OFFCAMERAHE'S SOCOOL*INSERT OUTRAGE HERE* I lol'd because origionaly at Aryte's comment I thought he meant Uchi, but then i saw Gonta instead.. They must be brothers. and uchi is straight.. amazing.. and there are women in that picture... I can finaly trust some people who say they're women!!! needz moar ordoz, and moar picturz plox.. any picturz *Edit- GET OUT OF MY HEAD ARYTE. GET OUT DX!!!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. That guy in his green shirt and the guy all right lower row are like on drugs :S
    1 point
  26. I lol'd at Aryte's comment. But that reminds me. Please tell me.. did you guys salute each other? O:
    1 point
  27. I sadfaced and smiled at the same time, if that counts for anything.
    1 point
  28. Why did some of you take a picture with Fox Killian...
    1 point
  29. NEedz more Morning eu raids >:C
    1 point
  30. Yeah btw, Bruno is leaving Sl, i herd
    1 point
  31. Come to Belgium, We has Waffles, Chocolate, and many more....
    1 point
  32. Everyone spam Aryte's profile with reputation +'s!
    1 point
  33. You could +Rep yourself?, and i missed that opportunity :shiftyeyes: Stuck at 0 forever, it's neutral, and neutral is mysterious, you don't know whether he is good or evil, i could as well be both? Or maybe not, maybe a bit of both, or not, the one you cannot read, the one you cannot truely know, the one that stays hidden, The Frumentarii one.
    0 points
  34. holy, i wouldn't even wanna start at it, also das, copy the list into a note , put it next to the forum and read :D i be smart :3
    0 points
  35. Oh, a Forum Karma feature, nice
    0 points
  36. -1 points
  37. Sadly i have seen Aryte from on the first pics in sl, a few days ago, sadly i had to see him
    -1 points
  38. >:C needz more votes :D
    -1 points
  39. Haha lol, BLAME INTUS >:C
    -1 points
  40. I love how aryte's profile already has like +45... LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Quick, everyone spam Crash's profile with -'s Edit'd Aryte's profile has +61.. from +30 a couple days ago.
    -1 points
  41. If you noticed by your post, no you cant :P I BET ARYTE PUT RUIN ON THE FORUMS JUST TO + HIMSELF. HAHAHAHAHAH I lol'd so hard.
    -1 points
  42. :3 I gave you a point, you're an evil dawg naow. I think the reputation thing is more of a "lol" factor than actual srsbsns.
    -1 points
  43. -2 actualy.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA updat'd
    -1 points
  44. Is it just me or is 4 AM the best time to find yourself literally /alone/ on Titan, amirite? No Srsly. Look at this pic: --- ^^^ Only One on Titan Either I'm amazingly awesome for staying up all night to defend Titan, or I have a seeeeeerious problem. Nikolai was afk for like.. 6 hours BTW. Sykes ruined the picture by making it 4 instead of 3 on sim, lol.
    -1 points
  45. I Shall, i have faith in myself
    -2 points
  46. So i wanna try to beat aryte in his posts, i maybe have only 242 and still need 2k more, but i will and i can get more then aryte lol, will take a while, So shall i beat him in a year or something :D.
    -2 points

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