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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. You must rate the avatar above yours when posting. Tenaki's: 9/10 It's just awesome.
  2. Good gaming ended after Super Mario Bros. 3 on NES. I don't agree with what Infinity Ward is doing, though, with multiplayer. It's like how the Wii connects, lul.
  3. Welcome! If you need anything don't be afraid to ask.
  4. I have signatures disabled and your avatar link is broken.
  5. Cygna


    Hi Syndall! Please login to post :o I like science too! :shades:
  6. This is for the title only. Please read and understand entire OP post before commenting. Thanks.
  7. Cygna

    O hai

    hi kellar welcome 2 odroo
  8. Defense reports need to be maintained in proper format, please. Thank you to all who actually do follow the proper format. For those of you who don't understand, click here. For extended proper format orientation, click here. Proper Format Example Topic Title: 110309 / 0532 - 0644 Topic Description: Geodan Price Please remember all spacing and use of the slash and hyphen. Time is SLT 24-hour Some useful hints and tips Times are SLT 24 hour time, therefore AM/PM are not needed. Useless brackets are useless "[" "]" Putting a hyphen, "-", is faster than typing "to". It is also the proper format to use a hyphen. Remember your topic descriptions, which should be name of attacker(s) or name of attacking group(s). Thanks to Tokeli's wonderful choice, I removed the requirement of a colon ":". 24-hour time does not need a colon. My bad. Remember the slash "/" between the date and time so the topic title is not a long smudge of numbers. TL;DR - fix your defense report topic titles!
  9. Zrazor, I believe an individual's IP address must be logged into Fur Affinity to be able to view this flash animation.
  10. It didn't load for me, either.
  11. Cygna

    Oi! I know you!

    Welcome Nohime. Please register and log in when posting on the forums.
  12. Had to delete Z's overdrive post because it crashes my browser :<
  13. >
  14. Hi, WIKI LINK Trevor has been diligently rejuvenating the Ordo Imperialis Wiki. There's still quite a bit of work left to be done, but articles, categories, image uploads, etc are working great. It is a good time for interested Ordo Personnel to put in their two cents and make some articles! Let's try to make a comprehensive Ordo encyclopedia of all past, present, and future knowledge. This includes (but not limited to, in past present and future): Operations, Projects, Sim builds, Important dates/events, Weapons, Armor, Other militaries, Enemies, etc And whatever else I can't think of. Let's try to make this wiki a one-stop "answer all your questions/curiosities about Ordo". In order to write articles please register an account on the Wiki, use your SL first and last name (like here on the forums). Also, please do your best when writing articles! Use proper grammer, spelling, punctuation, etc. Most (if not all) of you type just fine here on the forums. To create an article, simply go to it in your browser. For example, say Karlhockey wanted to make an article about Fulminata. He would simply go to &quot;", and then edit the blank article. Make sure you spell it right! To insert an image, click on upload on the left hand side of the Wiki. Then, while editting your article, put this in it: [[Image:filename.jpg|thumb|description!]] filename.jpg should be changed to the name of the image you uploaded (do not include path) leave thumb alone description should be changed to the description you want for the image.
  15. I just noticed this thread is in the wrong forum. :| Moved to off-topic
  16. UT Chem-Es get handed a free copy of Windows 7 Professional (x64). I have the option to download it in an image format as well. Send me a PM Des. I didn't say anything illegal~
  17. Maybe it's time to dust off the ol' Adobe Premiere...
  18. Corrected. Also: some of the most notable scientists from Germany in the 30s and 40s fled Nazi Germany. *cough*EINSTEIN*cough*

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