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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Philosophy: educate the uneducated and you will have peace.
  2. This is like putting a square-shaped object into a triangle-shaped hole of the same magnitude. ):
  3. Haha, you're never too old for the Welcome Wagon apparently. :eyeroll: Welcome!
  4. Microsoft should spend more time making Xbox 360 technology readily available in PCs, and the silliness of a console wouldn't be needed anymore. In 25 years there will be powerful PCs that do everything from your work to your entertainment, all in the confines of a container smaller than a today's Netbook. Consoles will be dead and gone, it's guaranteed. The show is run by money unfortunately.
  5. An ancient Alliance Navy recruitment video, early 2007. Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires? It's my desire! [media]
  6. Cygna

    MFF (Attendance?)

    Yeah, hahaha, Anime. :durr:
  7. Hopefully your teacher is liberal. :D Also: What a tragic accident, Z!
  8. Also: LEVEL UP! [ σ ] Sigma Level +1 EXP point(s) gained +7 INTELLECT +2 AGILITY -3 CHARISMA
  9. Only qualm I had with the Vae Victus was the prim count. :<
  10. Lol! I love how his father addresses him as "Christoph Snowmew".
  11. ▲ is kool (with a k) ◄ doesn't live with parents ▼ hopefully isn't: crash, mikemurdock, foxers, jester, me, or garion
  12. ty wat dis 4?????????????????
  13. ▲ is made of cake ◄ is not a furry ▼ destroys space stations on their spare time
  14. Was going to do it until I remembered that you threw chairs at me. :< Nah I'll help if you need.
  15. Cygna

    MFF (Attendance?)

    I'll go too. Nah not really.

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