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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Lurdan Huszar, Dark Svenska, and Bruno Ziskey also come up.
  2. Once upon a time, when Dinosaurs roamed Titan and Joseph Spearmann headed Astra (still with bald head), Praetorian Timmahy Widget started a thread about this. ENTJ
  3. Bruno was his own definition of ignorant. He was advanced ignorant.
  4. Making an Ordo Imperialis mod for this would be pretty easy, I believe there exists numerous shareware for the game file tapping. Problem is: I can see less than 5 people playing it more than once. You're hardly 2.5 years older than I. Until you're older than Diablos (even older TBQH), saying this is backward and proportionally improper.
  5. Change is a good thing. Without change there's no progression. This is not a matter of fixing something that doesn't need to be fixed, for everything requires improvement. I could probably memorize a new set of rank names and numerical values in 60 seconds or less.
  6. Dude, take it from me. If you don't plan on taking her out for drinks this semester, let it rip. Chances are you'll never see her again anyway.
  7. I'm interested in joining. Count me in!
  8. Agreed, admitting you are wrong isn't so hard, but writing an apology to the entire military community is very a commendable act.
  9. Randall Munroe, creator/publisher/owner of He has made many webcomics that are usually based around science, math, and romance. All of which are on his website-- I think there's over 500 of them in all so far. This one is a random webcomic from his website that has no intentional correlation with Keller.
  10. Yay Tenaki back in group :o Fixed topic title lol
  11. Cygna

    Hai :D

    Hey Merk :D Glad you're with us.
  12. So I woke up this morning (SEP12) after a long night of listening to people fighting in the hallways, yelling, screaming, partying, and a visit from the police (on the 21st floor wtf) at 4am. On my trip for coffee, I got into the elevator and the inside was covered in a yellowish-white powder, and the inside of the door said "i love aaditya" and "penis for sale" and most importantly "911 was a conspiracy look it up". I think the yellowish-white powder was dried beer from a leaking keg.. maybe. Wouldn't that smell like crap though? I don't think it smelled. <_<... Must of been some night.
  13. Hi :3 I'm Intus I'm not really around because I'm stupid.
  14. COOL STORY BRO (to get a biggar font size, when in the edit/create post box click "Other Styles" then Font Size (point). :3

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