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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. [media] 1500th post! [ π ] PI LEVEL, GO!
  2. Sure :D lol I wouldn't label it beatnickery though that's a bit too general. More like "Zrazor and Lilium's amg no this thread"
  3. You seem to have a misunderstanding of what this forum is for. This forum is for material that is off-topic in relation to the Ordo Imperialis (hence off-topic). This means Bob can make a thread about his car and then everyone has to talk about Bob's car. This doesn't mean you can be off-topic and talk about how much you like bagels & cream-cheese within Bob's car thread. Now, I'm pretty lenient! I let you guys sort of spin-off in a series of ten post rounds before I actually said something.
  4. K on topic now, please.
  5. I should be like shitty Vanguard and delete all Lilium's posts (they deleted all mine), and create some unprofessional aside group for him and make his name bold pink. Nah, Lilium can post here :D
  6. Welcome, Arken. If you have any questions about anything feel free to contact me.
  7. Neither I nor the Ordo Imperialis had anything to do with Vanguard's website downage. Please stop attempting to pin stuff to your enemies due to your own website security issues. Nexii's board was hacked three times before I just stopped using PHPBB3. Vanguard's website will probably get hacked again and again, I warned Dagger of the security issues weeks ago but I guess he didn't tell anyone.
  8. No problem, Foxers! Glad that you're here with us :shades:
  9. Yus Kytec posts on every defense report thread :|
  10. >
  11. Takes me 30 minutes to reformat.
  12. Awesome! Welcome back aboard Jayce :D I missed you for the day you were gone
  13. If you can get to the bootup screen of your laptop the you can reinstall windows. :o
  14. That would be good too, but I think they should also have this option as well. Then we could go to the mainland with 512 draw dist.
  15. Apparently, according to the movie, they said that the weights used in weight training is usually tailored for individuals to obtain large muscles, not just to lean and define. Maybe this queer contraption is tailored to define the shape of the arms more than to gain muscle. *Imagines Cyphre* :king:

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