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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. Bruno stepped down, what, a few months ago? I've heard what happened with Roudy is that he didn't feel like dealing with SL politics anymore. That's probably not what really happened, there's always more than meets the eye.
  2. Ability to choose the priority of an animation on your avatar. Lots of animations have highest priority, which is annoying when holding objects such as guns and cups of coffee. Would be great if everyone had the ability to change the priority of their animations to where they see fit. Option to rez only the sim that you're avatar is in. Let's you choose to only rez the sim you're in despite having 512 draw distance. Useful for combat because of an FPS leak involving two sims, which leads to continual decrease in FPS, forcing a relog. There's an inhibitor atm, Velocity Interpolate Objects, but it leaves bullets in the air and your FPS still decreases eventually. Mute another avatar's animations or animation overrides. Gives the user the option to mute another user's animations or animation overrides. Useful for combat sims when peoples' run/walk/stand/jump animations move their avatar off their hit box. Also useful for people doing back-flips while they ruin. (lmao)
  3. It made me lol, and funny thing is, it's pretty true.
  4. I put not crap because, despite it having quite a sexually suggestive motion (lol wording), it does actually burn fat, tone muscle, and shape arm. Americans need it. :durr:
  5. Countin' yer chickunz before they hatch, Shadow. ):
  6. I'm definately going to try this, lol. I'll update on if it works or not.
  7. When I'm in Florida I'll let you know, Trevor. Also: Pie and chips to Tony probably means smoking a fat one.
  8. Arma2 can more be categorized as a simulation rather than a game. The creators aimed to create an almost entirely realistic approach to combat.
  9. Cygna


    13876 Within three of you, Kytec!
  10. Only.. 24 days left to buy you something :durr:
  11. Haha, epic video. Reminds me of the YTMND robot laser rave :O
  12. Go here, tell the supar-ultra-nerds to help you out. /> It's the forums. That's what I did, and everything was compatible and worked.
  13. I wish for the best for Jason, hopefully he can return in the future. Amazing letter, and the best word choice. Long live the Alliance Navy!
  14. Lmfao! Kytec, so many terrible signs!
  15. A team or individual modified the output PHP script of index.php to, rather than show the forum listing as normal, to instead do an <iframe> with a website which attempts to inject the malicious software. It's technically not "there", it's just indirectly "there".

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