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SalemAdams Wobbit

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Everything posted by SalemAdams Wobbit

  1. Friend of the family passed away on 07JUL12 at noon. Both her and her husband were very close friends of mine and my parents. Will be in mourning over her death.

  2. For some reason, I'm DREAMING about an RL Ordo, and it looks exactly like the SL Ordo.

    1. Ratchet Exonar

      Ratchet Exonar

      sounds like you need a break

  3. ...then a table that will kick an enemy's ass when they least suspect it.
  4. Or a rabbittaur that can leap freakishly long.
  5. The ability to shapeshift into anything (think Odo from ST:DS9, but a bit more varied on the options).
  6. Found the good parties at Westercon. Checking out tomorrow, heading home around 5 p.m. SLT.

  7. The battery replacement kit for the G930, if you order it from Logitech, is $15. I have yet to order it, and I have had this for about six months.
  8. Get the wireless one. I've had mine for quite a while, and the replacement parts (Battery, charging station, and USB adapter) are cheap ($10-15). />
  9. *facepalm* Wow...really? AN should had labeled it differently.
  10. New Desktop is down, bad RAM. RMAed to Newegg, shall be recieving a new shipment soonish.

  11. have the same powers as the Q from Star Trek (Seriously, omnipotent beings). If not that, then at least teleportation. Would save money on transportation.
  12. New Desktop, getting the whole thing settled in. Had to get a new keyboard, due to the old one breaking.

  13. [media]
  14. </jealous> Seriously, in Oregon, you can't pass like that. You have to stay in the lane and you can't laneshare.
  15. Yeah...but the gluten-free diet is catching on, and since (to me) gluten-free means wheat-free...
  16. Yeah, I can't, due to my allergy. Most beers have wheat in them.
  17. One con down, three more to go. Next con: Westercon 65 in Seattle, Washington

  18. @Cyphre: It's running Windows 8 (for tablets). My understanding is that it's the full Windows on that tablet (but go ahead and correct me if I'm wrong).
  19. That's what it seems like. And to be honest, all 'surface' is, is just the Tablet PC, modernized.
  20. That's what some do, and they end up with about a $600+ hotel bill.
  21. Actually, to be perfectly honest, it actually got me runnling, with a few good items, on top of that, $240 is the equivalent of paying $12/month for two years. Anyway, eh...they'll be criticized about it majorly.
  22. It's more than that, Disembodied. $80 for the currency, $45 for three months (for your typical MMO) and $5 for all four mechs PLUS being in the credits. Although, I did pay $300 for STO (but that included a LIFETIME premium account ($60 for Digital Deluxe, $240 for lifetime))

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