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SalemAdams Wobbit

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Everything posted by SalemAdams Wobbit

  1. Nevermind the Catheter, can't safely put one in. :C

  2. In the hospital, waiting for the catheter to drain the abscess.

  3. - Emerald Viewer - Going from Havok 1 to Havok 4 - Going from Havok 4 to Havok 7 - Going from Havok 7 to Havok year.version (i.e. 2011.2) - When bots were not as prevalent as they are now. - Flyin' Tails Airfield (and yes, I was the owner of Club Kusanaga there). - Kirsten's viewer
  4. ...when seeking munitions were banned everywhere.
  5. ROFL When I actually help out my clients, especially Gobshite Quarterly ( ), they are actually more computer savvy than the person you just described. Hell, GobQ even keeps a backup of their computers on an external hard drive ('course they use Mac, but not going to debate Mac vs. PC). And all of my clients are about the same age, if not older, than that person.
  6. @Scarlet: You can still stand ontop of another avatar.
  7. When Sculpties were the latest and greatest thing.
  8. and on a recurring event....someone fracked up the programming on whatever the event management software it is. >.> Should had been a single e-mail for a recurring event not for each day, and make it a 'digest' as well (I wonder if it's Outlook...).
  9. When the IS and TAC meant something (TAC has reinvented themselves). When AN was next to Lake Wank STABLE
  10. "Blue Badger" -> Why does this remind me of Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saban? Other names I recognize: Fenrir - Very familiar.... Rahvan - Very familiar Sera - oh, boy WereFox - I watch him on FA... Diamond Dragon - I have known him for YEARS. Arokh, if you see 'em, please say "Hi" for me (and maybe do your Severus Snape impression). TaniDaReal - Rainfurrest 2011 GoH tuqiri - Oh, boy...again Uncle Kage - Whom doesn't know about him?
  11. So, I have Acid Reflux...

  12. [media] and here's the text from the video: If you have been to Anthrocon, you know about Fernando's cafe. It's sad that he has to close up shop, but that cafe was a great cafe. EDIT: Here's an update from 2: http://www.furaffini...ournal/3374877/ EDIT 2: Here's another update from 2: Apparently, he's about $1000 from being to stay open until AC 2013
  13. This is one of the things I have to deal with here. Video is from January 2007: [media]
  14. I actually learned on a very sensitive manual the first time I drove. Of course, it was technically a sports car (1990 Ford Probe), but I did drive for about a year on a pickup that was also a manual (1988 Mazda B2200 Cab Plus). That was fun to drive. I now drive an automatic, but for my next car, I may end up either getting a sports shift (hybrid between an automatic and a manual) or a CVT (Constant variable transmission).
  15. Not feeling too well...twice "prayed to the porcelain throne god" in the past two days and have felt a little better afterwards.

  16. My mistake. Hmm...I wonder what their company is.
  17. avatar does that. It's basically a script. :P EDIT: Granted, my battle-ready avatars (yes, I have more than one) are scripted so the base is 0 (in other words, all Ordo and weapon scripts, everything that is related to combat only).
  18. I will be passing this term. :D

    1. Ookamiwulf Lemton
    2. SalemAdams Wobbit

      SalemAdams Wobbit

      Well, as long as I don't actually slack off and go to the meetings for my team....

  19. Although, I think that might be in poor taste, and would disrupt activities to New Jessie. You have to think of New Jessie as a brand. You don't make brand changes without advertising it to the entire world the name of the new brand. Kinda like how GTE became Verizon after a merger. There was LOTS and LOTS of advertising about it.
  20. ^ Uh...what? < Universe semi-hates me v Has a universal translater
  21. I know, I'm super necroing this, but it was either necro this or create a new topic with the same name. For those that haven't had it installed in quite a while, you're missing out. They have actually updated Left 4 Dead 2 to include content from L4D1 (and have updated L4D1 with one or two DLC maps as well), and they are coming out with new DLC content for L4D2 (Free if you have a PC).

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