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Trinity Heckroth

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Everything posted by Trinity Heckroth

  1. We're orbiting uranus, searching for klingons. lololol
  2. WIsh I had a job to reactivate my account. I miss my myrmtank :<
  3. "Holy shit I just exploded. WTF was that?" rofl
  4. GTA Vice City > San Andreas. Hands. Down.
  5. Jesus, Xayvien, what have we started?
  6. Color is irrelevant, they are all equally heretical. Doors and turbo lifts are subject to being blown apart by our breach charges and circumvented with our grappling hooks. And if two of our members caused the captain to self destruct the ship, well, that's a net gain in my book.
  7. 1. Write a pure dialog story. Use nothing but dialogs to advance the story. 2. Use this plot: roomates have not paid the phone bill. 3. Write a story with an evangelist as the main character and a memo as the key object set in a ghost town. 4. Write from the point of view of a knife inside a thief's pocket. No particular order, no real due date. But do the topics justice. <3! ***EDIT*** Just to be clear, these are four different topics not just one with four parts.
  8. I think it might should be possible to query the OIC remotely (/1 oic:check) and list/claim yourself remotely for oic (/1 oic:list/claim) in case someone logs in and goes afk, or cant be listed because of possible upcomming RL stuff but it clears while theyre in sim.
  9. [22:35] Tiridates Mikadze: Zrazor [22:35] Tiridates Mikadze: I will give you endless shit for the hair [22:35] Tiridates Mikadze: I have to. [22:36] Trinity Heckroth: he looks like raideurs fantasy [22:36] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: ...WELP [22:36] Tiridates Mikadze: OOOH [22:36] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: NOW I GOTTA GET RID OF IT [22:36] Tiridates Mikadze: THAT IS LOOOW [22:36] Zrazor Rozenstrauch: God Trinity I thought we were homies D: [22:36] Tiridates Mikadze: Dude [22:36] Trinity Heckroth: Friends dont let friends look like a psycopaths sonic sexual fantasy [22:36] Vincent Lucerne: o snap [22:36] Zero Itamae: ...
  10. [2:15] Kanaki Hornet: If you will not serve in combat, then you will serve on the firing line! [2:15] Trinity Heckroth: Kanaki serves on the buffet line [2:15] Kanaki Hornet: :< [2:16] Ron Bleac: Holy shit, this is the guy I've always heard of but never seen. :o Kanaki, do you really have a gravitational pull strong enough to dislodge several planets from their respectable orbits? [2:16] Kanaki Hornet: Yes. [2:16] Ron Bleac: That's amazing.
  11. [3:43] Nohime Runner: Frumentarii spy! :o [3:43] Trinity Heckroth: Frumentarii doesnt exist. [3:43] Trinity Heckroth: :o [3:43] Nohime Runner: [3:43] Nohime Runner: <.< [3:43] Trinity Heckroth: harr harr [3:43] Nohime Runner: educate yoself woman! [3:43] Nohime Runner: <.< [3:44] Trinity Heckroth: I have read the article. [3:44] Nohime Runner: sweet jebus, you mean someone in ordo actually looked up what their latin name ment?! [3:44] Nohime Runner falls over dead [3:44] Trinity Heckroth: I would like to point your attention to the second word of the article. [3:44] Trinity Heckroth: I quote [3:44] Trinity Heckroth: "were." [3:44] Trinity Heckroth: I rest my case. [3:45] Nohime Runner: LMFAO
  12. Inoue, can you make it wait for like a minute or two before sending to OIC candidates? I've had it time out for me a few times because I logged in to titan and it popped up on the "loading world" screen.
  13. While having an SOG is undeniably a boon to the functioning of the sim, unless policy has recently changed, it is sill a position that is assigned or not at the discretion of the OIC. Good piece though!

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