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Trinity Heckroth

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Everything posted by Trinity Heckroth

  1. ^big triforce < doesnt care about triforce v wat
  2. In my roaming around the base I have come across a number of unauthorized offices, desks, primspam, random ...trashcans... in the unused spaces of the base, outside the base proper. (I.E. areas created by actual rooms of the base.) These are unauthorized. If you are not assigned an office, you do not need one. Please clean up your random prims. Thank you.
  3. Stefan Marquez (10:10:48 AM): No on my face Trinity Heckroth(10:10:56 AM): story of your life. Stefan Marquez (10:11:21 AM): Yeahh
  4. Taking food from my fridge is a very serious crime you know. Like, seriously.
  5. ^ is a trap <Has a special place for a certain trap VCould be that trap, but probably wont be.
  6. SUPER ROBOT ORDO TEAM HYPER FORCE GO! But seriously... Ordo: The Game (you lost it btw) Ordo Assault Ill have more when ive slept.
  7. <3 :> Tsume. For tanks that I can write courses for and Corsi and all can build courses for. And for benellis with jewmode. etcetcetc
  8. My times would probably be best at E. I wont know till I get my AC adapter though.
  9. I.. just... OK. I gotta say this. I kinda have a problem with rampant use of the word "coon." RAcoon is ok, but... yeah. Racial slurs being drilled into our heads as being bad where im from, that one is a bit touchy. TOPIC: <3 nohime!
  10. So a chapter in my book I'm reading was written entirely like number 1. Was awesome.
  11. Tawpik lawk plz? Darks not hyur anymore anyway...
  12. thank god. I wasnt able to make it today for the same reason.

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