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Trinity Heckroth

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Everything posted by Trinity Heckroth

  1. [3:13] Trinity Heckroth: come on zero [3:13] Trinity Heckroth: make ordo history [3:13] Steff Flintoff: do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit [3:13] Trinity Heckroth: a titan where every active avatar is a human [3:13] Kryo Recreant: DO EEET [3:13] Steff Flintoff: you know you want to [3:13] Zero Itamae: Not right nowwww. I'd wanna fix it before I actually used it again. [3:13] Trinity Heckroth: pllllz [3:13] Trinity Heckroth: ;-; [3:13] Steff Flintoff: what happned to you maaan, you use to be cool [3:14] Steff Flintoff: =p [3:14] Zero Itamae: =\ [3:15] Trinity Heckroth: =\ [3:15] Asuka Zane: :D [3:16] Zero Itamae: Gonna go edit it and see how it looks, it's probably not very good, lol. [3:16] Steff Flintoff: victoryyyyyy [3:17] Trinity Heckroth: peer pressure is like, the greatest thing ever. [3:17] Steff Flintoff: yus XD
  2. Trinity drawing is needed :D!
  3. The quote before lestats post was dagger. So. Not that random.
  4. You stay the hell away from my iPhone.
  5. I will have the money... Thing is... I dunno if I'm gonna go or not.
  6. ^ Is a Fish < Violated the No Fish rule. v Is also a Fish.
  7. Two more walls fell. Im not gonna devote time to this alone. Kenos place also had a fence fall down.
  8. ^ Is a Fish < Is not a Fish. v Is also a Fish.
  9. Built a wall and a gatehouse/shed type deal. Some walls are still damaged mightily. Someone repair them.
  10. If you can name like 10 friends from your friends list they can make sure its you. They did this when my ex changed my password a while back.
  11. ^ Is a Fish < Is not a Fish. v Is also a Fish.
  12. Someone stole the boat I was working on, so I lost interest.
  13. ^ Is a Fish < Is not a Fish. v Is also a Fish.
  14. ^ Is a Fish < Is not a Fish. v Is also a Fish.
  15. Foxtrot. Your face did a foxtrot. It has a habit of that, when you get interested in things.
  16. ^ Is a Fish < Is not a Fish. v Is also a Fish.
  17. Yes. It's up to the OIC to decide whether someone can or cannot visit.
  18. Visitor status for hostiles is solely at the discretion of the OIC at the time. It is entirely within their power to declare a person hostile and call for their removal. There may be underlying reasons for it that you are not aware of, then again, there may not be. But it is up to the OIC to decide. I agree with you here. Every point.
  19. That and Gorgon is a pretty cool guy.
  20. Regardless, ribby, this topic is titled "Ordo Roster for Modern Warfare 2 of the 360"

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