Shooting, HELL YES Fishing, Sure Beer, Probably Six Wheeler, I'm driving Cutting down a tree with my bare hands, >:D Fire, FIRE Hotdogs, Yes. More Beer, Hahah vodka. Weed, Not my style Sing, Yeahhhhhhhh!
[0:42] (COM): Trinity Heckroth: Z has been OIC since that Aryte guy signed off [0:42] (COM): Zrazor Rozenstrauch: Who? [0:42] (COM): Trinity Heckroth: that one dude, the white foxish looking guy [0:42] (COM): Zrazor Rozenstrauch: OH [0:43] (COM): Zrazor Rozenstrauch: That guy with the hat [0:43] (COM): Trinity Heckroth: yeaaaah [0:43] (COM): Zrazor Rozenstrauch: I think I talked to that guy once.