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Keystone Gray

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Everything posted by Keystone Gray

  1. [21:05] Keystone Gray (COM): Caffeine only gives you so much buzz. Heroin is where it's at, yo. Yeah, there's a dealer on every floor of the VV, don't you know. [21:05] Desereck Creeggan (COM): BTW keystone whers my money? [21:06] Keystone Gray (COM): It's coming, Des. [21:06] Desereck Creeggan (COM): I WANT IT NOW DAMNIT [21:06] Desereck Creeggan (COM): *slaps keystone around* [21:06] Keystone Gray (COM): I HAVEN'T SLEPT WITH ENOUGH PEOPLE TO GIVE IT TO YOU YET. [21:06] Keystone Gray (COM): >:| [21:06] Desereck Creeggan (COM): KANAKI PAYS GOOD [21:06] Keystone Gray (COM): You would know. [21:06] Desereck Creeggan (COM): I'm the Don. Of course i would know. [21:07] Desereck Creeggan (COM): He works for me. All 53 layers. Edit: Disable smileys. >.>
  2. [19:00] Keystone Gray: Anyway, back to my rifle. [19:00] Keystone Gray: goto:classroom [19:00] tp: TP to <197, 80, 293>: Ready [19:00] Teron Gray: The engine is the classroom? XD [19:00] Keystone Gray: It's near the engine room, there's no goto for the engine room. :P [19:00] Teron Gray: Ah, lol [19:01] Teron Gray: was going to say; that's something to get them to pay attention. "Stop daydreaming or we'll fire up the drives!"
  3. I appreciate everything I have every day. Everyone should. :P There's no reason not to.
  4. [10:42] Keystone Gray: Aryte, I just complimented you. Doesn't that mean anything to you? [10:42] Aryte: Frankly, I don't need you to appease my ego. I appreciate the notion, but he and I get along just fine. [10:42] Keystone Gray: ...
  5. Thanksgiving = Turkey. Mainly because I'm not patriotic in the slightest. Haha. I'm here, that's all that matters. ;P
  6. Same. I go through at least four or five bottles of water on a good day, at the very least. On nervous days I can drink up to ten, or none at all. It varies. EDIT: Five empties on my desk. About 30 empties sitting in my recycling bag. Brb. Getting more water.
  7. Sorry about that, guys. And so much for a few days. I'm back. :) The break was really good, however short, and now I'm (hopefully) free of stress.
  8. HOLY FUCKING SHIT ANTS IN MY PENIS. Oh wait, it's just Zrazor. O hai thar, and welcome. :) Get comfy.
  9. I'm taking a break. I'll be back in a few days.
  10. That color pattern makes us look like Vanguard...
  11. Yeah, well, Facepunch is full of two-faced /b/tard maniacs, I won't disagree with you there. They enjoy "The Lulz" but they tend to call things "Lulz" when they make it, and call it "Fail" when anyone else makes it. They're elitist pricks, they've been there forever. /fail/tards, more like. Regardless, they know how to spread furry drama like wildfire, despite hating it so much.
  12. Ka-Bewsh. Great to know you, Karl, and congratulations on a full year in Ordo! I'm sure there are quite a few memories for you to sift through now, so try and enjoy that as much as you can!
  13. Yeah, but when you post it on YouTube, it becomes immortal and the /b/ crowd is bound to find it. Eventually.
  14. FACEPUNCH FEATURES?!? Only a matter of time til it's a worldwide Internet meme. Hats off to Uildiar. The two most hated people in SL had a fuckfest, now the whole world knows. >:D
  15. About damned time. Always knew that they'd take the KOTOR franchise and MMO-ize it. I hope it doesn't suck.
  16. Hmm... I should make a prequel based on Quarterlife...
  17. Sequel to: Disclaimer: Satire. No intention to harm the reputation of anyone named or listed below. Except maybe Christoph. And Nanao. Ordo:FullLife Consequences 2:WhatHasTobeDone Aelus Janus walked like speed of light back to his velox and left behind the bad place behind him. Aelus Janus had to ride his velox really fast back to titan but Aelus Januss battery ran out. Aelus Janus jumped fast off the velox and landed on dead childrens. "Nanao is now rapes these childrens... i must kill the nanao again and live up to full-life consequences!" Aelus Janus said out loud. Aelus Janus picked up a auditorcator and aimed it at sim to see if he could. Aelus Janus shot and sim fell down in front of him. Aelus Janus seen childrens fall out of the roleplay sim and he put them back home safe. "These childrens dont have to see Nanao yet. its not time." Aelus Janus said to him. Aelus Janus had to walked faster and was back at his praetorian work and on a computer. He looked on the internet and found the Nanao. "I know his weakness now" Aelus Janus said. And after that he got emails from someone. Aelus Janus opened up the emails and read them. "Dear Aelus Janus, how are you? I miss you at Titan come home safe and soon with Aryte Vesperia for november 5. love vlad." Aelus Janus looked at it and got sad and yelled "I WILL KILL THE NANAO AND ETHAN SCHUMAN WILL BE HAPPY SOUL!" then he turned on off the computer and wet on the hangar again down to his other more faster velox that had battery in it this time called praeda. Aelus Janus put the auditcannon on his praeda and his mp5k and his scoprion that he found on the side of the velox. He went through traffic and went fast like litning to back to Supox and back to the bad place where Aryte Vesperia was earlier. Aelus Janus went under bridge and did backflips and landed on back wheels but kept going too. Aelus Janus went really fast again like before and was soon back again at Supox but saw snowmew. Aelus Janus said to them "Snowmew i have killed your grunts at the old base and i dont want to shoot your nuts. go jump in lava and you will be friends of Aelus Janus." The Snowmew said that "whats ur biggest kink?" and walked fast to Aelus Januss pradea. Aelus Janus waited until they were in front of his praeda and backflipped out of cockpit and shot snowmew nuts below and landed and walked fast to where the next boss was. "IM A STRESSED SNOWKITTY!" yelled the dead snowmew. Aelus Janus laughed and shot a rocket at them. Aelus Janus saw the Nanao far down the road and walked slow this time. He walked really slow like a turtle and sat down on a rock and watched the nanao near the dead last nanao and where the place that dead childrens was. The nanao was laughing at Aelus Janus so Aelus Janus said "YOU WILL NOT LAUGH AT ME!" and showed him picture of sexy naked woman at him since that was his weakness. The nanao died and Ethan Schuman was happy. He walked over to the dead nanaos and put them under the ground and pissed on them so instead of messy dirt and dark there was yellow things there now to be happy. Aelus Janus walked to where childrens was lying dead and crushed from the nanaos penis and looked down. A tear droped out of Aelus Januss eye and landed on childrens. "You are dead and i killed the evil nanao." Aelus Janus told the children Then Aelus Janus saw something bad. A penis was on childrens from under dirt! childrens standed up and said "Aelus Janus... you killed my father and now i am orphaned and unsatisfied. you will pay..." to be continued...?
  18. "I hate to be the one to tell you this John, but your parents are getting a divorce because of you. In fact, they hate you and want you dead." <3 Fallout 3. >:D
  19. I'll second that. When I heard, I felt my heart sink. Just keep strong, Des. I'm here for you as well. If you need anything, just ask.
  20. A vote is a vote. A vote cannot be wasted; the principle that a vote CAN be wasted is why no one votes third party. I'm going out and voting in just a few minutes. Shame on those who don't.
  21. Don't quit your day job. (Haha, Keystone made a funny.)

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