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Syl Kiranov

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Everything posted by Syl Kiranov

  1. I know this may come across as biased since I'm a builder, but as the Imperator says, it's not the item or product which gets you promoted, but the time invested to assist the group. The same will apply to other contributions, no doubt. An interesting fact: you'll notice our officers are mostly not builders, nor would they generally have much time to build. An officer position call for an entirely different set of skills and a large time investment. So for those hoping to be officers someday, I think contributing with execution of solid ideas, administration and leadership skills, and a solid professional attitude would serve just as well (if not better) than build skills.
  2. The purpose is to keep people from "fooling around" with live fire and killing people for horseplay. If there's any confusion about it the following might help clear it up, but when in doubt, do not pull the trigger. When it's okay to shoot your teammates: 1: Sanctioned training exercises such as Armatura, academies, Schola phase IV, or group wide training. You will generally hear the OIC/officers, an armatura instructor, or the Imperator himself announce this over coms. These are official exercises. 2: Limited testing of gear, WITH clearance and announcement from the OIC. For example if someone is developing a weapon they may call for volunteers and the OIC may or may not authorize this. Likewise if you wish to test a gun or mortar, clear it with the OIC and announce it over coms... do not just randomly fire. (And if testing mortars, use smoke rounds when possible.) When it's **NOT** okay to shoot your teammates... almost always, but here are some examples: 1: For the lulz. 2: When your teammate annoys you. 3: When your teammate is doing something against the rules. (There are better ways to handle it.) 3: If they ask you to shoot them. Don't do it unless the OIC has cleared it... random weapon discharge is prohibited. If you get shot intentionally, do not return fire. And do not ignore it... people are hesitant to report teammates who didn't mean any harm, but at least ask them to stop and tell them it's against the rules. You will do more harm by allowing them to continue, as they will end up being demoted or ejected.
  3. Bump. If you're new to Ordo, please see original post. This topic has become relevant again.
  4. It will be more like "random people who aren't even in Ordo gave me a bunch of made-up info which I will list as fact." Basically the same thing you can expect from any military community article.
  5. Because it's actually extremely boring to hide in a tiny fortress behind a wall all the time. Boring for both sides. You'll notice in our raids that some of the groups we fight actually leave their base to engage, and when we get into close quarters fights around hills or buildings it's a lot of fun and good variety. It's also tactically advantageous for us to not all be cramped into one small area which can be sprayed with bullets or bombs. We generally have plenty of defenders to cover both the base and the area around it, and now that we have some good cover outside of the base, there's not a lot of reason to restrict that area to us. We'd also been accused (by Waagh for example) of doing nothing but "hiding" in our base, so a few people outside the walls now and then could only do our reputation good. (edited to remove the image from the quote)
  6. Half of SL already lists their compulsions, obsessions, interests, stresses, frequent locales, associates, sexual partners, sexual positions, turn ons, turn offs, and favorite breakfast right in their profiles. I'm not sure this form would be required even if you were interested in the information.
  7. This still exists, and it's still in that exact packaging, and yes the original version is older than your grandmother. It's basically a foam of sugar and eggs, and if you don't have diabetes yet, Marshmallow Fluff can help. Also there is an 80s movie called The Stuff and it is a documentary about Marshmallow Fluff. True story, no really.
  8. Done correctly, it's actually just an additional small function on the same listen the gun is already using, then a setlinkcolor (or a few) from the main script, called only when the color actually changes... no additional scripts or mess or lag. So it can be pretty efficient, though there may be other reasons not to do it. (I have no preference myself.)
  9. If you find consistent reproducible bugs in the elevators or doors (things which don't involve wedging tanks under them) please report them to Niiya or me.
  10. You're right, nobody wears the heavy set like that. Because Ruin himself wears the medium belt with the heavy armor. ;)
  11. I thought he already did with the first post of this thread? I'll see about modding or replacing it or something so it doesn't have to be done 10 times by 10 different people.
  12. I'm not sure that's accurate, as people have been banned for posting on the SLEX forums. However in either case, this poster is a "good friend" of hers. ;) So she must have given this chat log to him in world before he posted it here... right? But yes, whatever the plan was in posting this log, it has backfired spectacularly. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior and just one more reason that this person will never be accepted.
  13. Disclosure of a private IM chat log without the consent of all parties involved is a violation of the Second Life terms of service. Harassment is a violation of the Second Life terms of service. Off to a bad start here on the main grid.
  14. No sympathy for their support people... this is what you get when you make a game for kids.
  15. Dr. Christoph K. Smart, Ph.D., will now punch a coke machine in anger.
  16. Let's not forget the machine gun rocket launcher, the AV flying, and the assault today with a 32m radius explosive weapon. This is completely typical of a Brazilian army. If CATI suddenly starts playing 'fair' I might die of shock, because 4 years of experience in SL indicates that these guys aren't just immature or noobs and about to learn better, this is a normal cultural difference.
  17. The guns they already have are generally fine if they aren't using four at once... they're just fairlight guns, which we've beaten easily when fighting RR or 10th for example. In fact one of them was using six guns (blaster pistols, arc gauntlets, and vipers attached to the upper arms.) But quad wielding alone isn't even the worst of CATI's problems. Their consistent firing through walls and floors, use of aimassisted planes on ground targets, firing into the spawn, threats to ban people for using the parachutes THEY provide, accusations of spawncamping when they set their homes all over the place, etc. are just part of the "anything goes" double standard they have. I don't expect them to change much (even if the leader is reasonable, he clearly doesn't have tight control on his people) so really the only thing you can do is relax and assume there's going to be some hardcore cheating going on. It's part of the CATI charm.
  18. What I find quite different about Ordo is that, unlike a group like AN, Aryte can't "step down" and let someone else take over. Without Aryte this group would disband pretty much immediately, even if he didn't actually shut it down.
  19. Welcome to the team! It is! Don't spy check in Ordo. (Though you do look suspiciously like Keller...)
  20. Yes, we generally consider holstered weapons to count as armed. However you don't need the holsters to draw most guns anyway, and there are plenty of "invisible" guns, or you can put gun scripts in your hair, etc. We've seen several cases of invisible guns/disguised guns in Titan already. So you won't always catch all of them, and I'm personally a little cautious with any fishy character even if they appear to be unarmed.
  21. Watch for sure signs of trouble when investigating civilians, such as: An "I hate Ordo" t-shirt. An ill-fitting hat which poorly conceals a block of C4. Guns hidden behind their backs (do not fall for the "other hand" trick... ask to see both hands at once.) Seriously though, the Imperator's reminder is important... Titan is a military base, not a nightclub. A civilian invite is a pass to visit some sensitive areas, which is not something you give to just anyone. It doesn't hurt to investigate them a little and keep an eye on them (preferably while maintaining a friendly attitude) just in case. Civilians who have turned hostile in the past typically showed signs like failure to respect rules or cooperate with officers, or questionable groups or history.

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