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Everything posted by RazorFox

  1. Uh...due to budget cuts we are now all forced to share one gun, so Kaska was right the first time. The good news is that its report is a deadly song.
  2. Yeah, you caught me, I'm a closet brony. ...
  4. Now I know one of y'all is responsible for this.
  5. I was gonna finally sit down and record tonight but made the mistake of attempting to upgrade my desktop to Windows 7 first, and that left my computer without sound or microphone drivers. Can I get an extension on the deadline for a late entry plz? I'll just bite the bullet and do something acapella if I have to. D:
  6. I'm gonna put it out there that I don't approve of My Little Pony under any circumstance.
  7. congrats you made ordo sound noob
  8. I want the power to make people on the internet concede to my carefully-worded arguments regarding politics/religion/science/music unconditionally and conform to my opinions.
  9. Name: Zrazor Rozenstrauch Rank: P-2 (Guardsman) Branch: Praetorian Guard Song: Fleet Foxes - Blue Ridge Mountains Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah MUSE - UPRISING Method: Mixing my voice in over a karaoke track.
  10. I want the power to generate insults that can reduce literally any sentient being to tears. Like just come up with the most perfect, powerful zinger instantly.
  11. Ruin Nefarious already has that superpower and uses it to supply his fast-food chain.
  12. Suddenly I want to get one of those brew-at-home kits and make a big batch of Z-Unit's Imperial Stout.
  13. RazorFox

    Your SL history

    I joined SL on December 1st, 2007. At that time, my brother, Rygads Hax, was head DJ at AnthroXtacy, so my activities on SL basically consisted of dicking around building army forts in the AX sandbox and guarding them with freebie guns (quite prophetic in a way). One night, Rygads and I got a random invite to the Vanguard Armed Forces from one Hookum Amat. Yeah, Vanguard was literally just sending officers around to furry clubs to recruit random people. So I spent a month in the group but never on base before Rygads met Christoph at AX and they became instant friends (or rather I should say Christoph became immediately enamored with him, and Rygads recognized a way to get free L$). He was granted an immediate promotion to Unteroffizier, and I was too just for being there. Yeah, Vanguard was literally just promoting people for being friends with Christoph. So I very quickly became addicted to the whole military thing, in particular the politics and rivalries that permeated things. During this time, I learned to hate Ordo. Fucking hate hate hate Ordo. Mercz too, but not as much. I despised the Iron Symphony and everything it stood for, and all I wanted was to watch stupid pissfuck Ordo burn. I spent nearly a year in Vanguard, climbing to a high officer rank and being granted control of its air division, which was and still is referred to as 107th Armada, I guess in a half-hearted attempt to make it sound less generic. Anyway, things were going alright but by the time we got that space station build, I was starting to get dissatisfied with Christoph and his way of doing things, and my burning hatred for Ordo turned into something more like discreet curiosity, like sort of a thing between wanting to join it and trying not to seem like I wanted to join it. So sometime around October, I was talking to VG General Cyanide Leviathan and he told me he was joining Ordo (which he briefly did on his alt, Farrago Chandrayaan). I was like "Oh cool, can I come with?" and he was like "k." So within half an hour I find myself seated in the warroom on board the Vae Victus staring down the Imperator (who at the time was really really scary and I could never have dreamed I'd be attending his birthday party within a year) as well as a contingent of officers and Praetorians all asking me questions like "Several months ago, you entered Titan, contacted Sosarin Demar, and called him a "fake-ass nigga," how can we be assured that incidents of that sort won't happen again?" So I left all my VG groups, joined Ordo Civilians, and boom, Christoph starts messaging me, frantically begging me not to leave. I blocked him. Then he called me, and I hung up on him. So this is where things get interesting. I'm not sure how many of you young bloods are familiar with the whole Everlasting Snowmew thing, but after I hung up on Christoph, he was upset (stressed, if you will), and called Uildiar Kuhn, who recorded the call. That's all that needs to be said about that. So a couple days later, Christoph kept calling my ass trying to convince me to come back, which he eventually did, but I decided I couldn't leave without a bang, so I recorded myself blowing up Aryte in his office and went back to VG, being granted a Kommand rank immediately upon returning to Supox. Two hours later, a thousand people heard Christoph spend all night with fennecy. Over the month that followed, I put up with more fucking big snowcat tail jokes than I care to remember, all while dealing with trying to get anything done with Christoph in charge (difficult given that he's an idiot and doesn't listen to anyone but his own dumb self). At some point, Dagger Exonar and I started talking and he trumped up Ordo and talked about wanting to help me get into it, which he eventually kind-of-sort-of did. Pulled Zerowinged with me too. So once again, I found myself in a private no-damage no-rez sim staring down Aryte and some Praetorians. I made my case (Zero was too scared about logs and stuff to even speak ), Christoph cried at me some more when he found out what I was up to, and I ignored him. The next day, Christoph sat down with his remaining Kommand (including my brother, who was immediately put in charge of their brand new mechanized division) and brainstormed how they were going to completely revamp the group and make things in VG better than ever in spite of having only like maybe three or four active Kommand presiding over a small band of shithead enlisted grouphopping gearwhores that didn't speak English. I left VG behind forever, became a civilian, and was inducted a week later. And then a year and a half later, I became a Praetorian. EDIT: Forgot to mention that two days after I left and Christoph decided to revamp VG, he disbanded the group and disappeared into the shadows for nine months before coming back with the "new and improved VG" that turned out to be slightly less abrasive than the old one but no less utterly lackluster.
  14. At work: At home on my desktop: What this doesn't demonstrate is that Qwest Communications, the backbone company for my local ISP, is prone to random fits of 1000+ ping for up to an hour at a time throughout the day.
  15. Freddy got Fingered. /> Peter Jackson's (the guy who directed Lord of the Rings) Braindead (New Zealand/Dead Alive (North America) /> SLC Punk. />
  16. I wish people still talked like this.
  18. Name: Zrazor Rozenstrauch Rank: P-2 (Guardsman) Descriptive blurb: A sort of liquid smooching sound issued forth from Zrazor's lips as they parted ways with the narrow mouth of the now-empty bottle of Seagrams gin as he pulled it away from his face, tossing it haphazardly aside and sending it clattering across the asphalt. With some difficulty, he rose to his feet, looking behind him at the old couch he'd been sitting on for the past hour and a half. The sight of the couch sparked a certain kind of senseless anger in his brain as it sat there on the sidewalk, all being a couch and stuff. "Why is this here?" he pondered as he looked over the couch, taking in its couchy appearance. He was particularly struck by the couch's presence in an outdoor setting. Something about that didn't sit right with him. "Waaaaait! Couches go in living rooms!" boomed the Morgan Freeman-sounding inner-monologue voice in his head. Unable to contain himself any longer, Zrazor lifted the couch up above his head and thrust it as hard as he could toward the nearest man-made structure in the vicinity, the rather monolithic and imposing concrete Administrative HQ of the Ordo Imperialis, located in the heart of Titan's capital city, Titan City. The couch flew towards the building, spinning across a rather awkward trajectory and finally smashing through one of the building's glass windows. But Razor would not hear the commotion caused by the havoc he had wrought with his furniture-throwing ways. Nay, by the time the couch struck the building, he was already speeding off on his awesome motorcycle, which he promptly crashed into lamppost and died. ~THE END~
  19. is so fucking glad to have the power back on. :D


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