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Everything posted by Kellervo

  1. I've been working on recording and fine-tuning some things so that Odin isn't the only camera man. I've been working on Metro: LL specifically, as it's got some of the best graphics / worst optimization I know of. The first vid is a recording of stuff that's already from E3 videos - one of my favorite moments in the game. The second is another epic moment, but it has spoilers - it's the final battle. > Give it a watch, and let me know if there's anything else I can tweak - both recordings are at ultra quality, though I did apply some color-balance to the second video to help counteract the dust (and X Split not recording the in-game gamma settings).
  2. There's a major update on the horizon adding a new Warframe - Frost Prime - and Orokin facilities and enemies. Tomorrow they're giving us the new guy in the image above - Vauban, the Engineer Warframe. I've picked this game up and started playing it with a vengeance. It's addicting, and the increased variety in enemies and tilesets has made it much more bearable now, even if it gets a little grindy at times. If anyone is playing it and wants help, or anyone wants into the game and wants a helping hand, let me know - I'll likely be spending the weekend working on my Vauban Warframe. EDIT: Having played as Vauban, it's freakin' awesome and makes the game so much more fun to play. A bit OP, but still fun.
  3. my opinion, good. The one problem with the last Wolfenstein was that it spread itself out too thinly and the singleplayer game suffered as a result. If the SP game is good and gets new interest in the franchise, I bet we'll definitely see an Enemy Territory revival with it.
  4. I actually liked the last Wolfenstein. It wasn't any RTCW, but it was still a ton of fun. Open world city full of Nazi super soldiers? Yes pls.
  5. It's pretty much the first half of FC3 with half as many guns and a few additional enemies. It's... alright. The gaudy neon got a little tiring very fast, though the outpost attacks are a bit more fun.
  6. Instant does about 500. A fully charged shot does 1500, on par with the Annihilator. Projectile speed is ALWAYS 500m/s, damage drop off occurs after 100m down to 500 at 250m. It's basically a man-portable Saron with a longer charge up.
  7. Sadly, Higby confirmed the Lancer is getting a charge speed buff, on top of the higher ADS accuracy. Striker is getting a buff as well, though.
  8. It's exactly as lame as you've heard. Only EA servers, no private servers.
  9. Does it still have the awkward 'pivot point behind you' 'feature' that Arma 2 did? It made the game unplayable for me because of how disorienting it was. :(
  10. Yeah, seconding this - I just have a big head too. :[
  11. Vekta did surrender between KZ2 and 3. Could've been established before what happened in Killzone 3, so that might explain it. Helghans are originally from Vekta, so.
  12. Vekta City was a setting in Killzone: Liberation. Basically the surviving Helghans were taken back to Vekta and set up in their own city. It's the Cold War now, and Vekta City is Berlin.
  13. I might give it another try once OB hits.
  14. Most of the Titans...? A battle where ONE Titan goes down is a big deal. More then 2 is absolutely unheard of. In fact I don't think there's even been more then 3 lost in a single battle before.
  15. I own it, but haven't got a chance to play it just yet.
  16. It's... very strange. It looks like it can be something incredibly awesome, but the way it's set up presently in beta looks like it does have a P2W slant - you can pay to have 'Pro' versions of everything which come with more powerful nodes / more expansive skill trees which definitely favor those with money. Plus there's eight+ characters, but to play as more then two you need to pay money - so if you pick the wrong one with your first choice (Loki is useless initially), you only get ONE 'good' Warframe to use for the rest of the game.
  17. If you can run Blacklight or PlanetSide, you'll be able to run it I believe.
  18. It looks like its solely coop for now. It is in early Beta so that could change.
  19. A game that Zerowinged gave me a heads up about. What is it? tl;dr - Closed Beta Co-op "Horde" style multiplayer game. (I'll flesh out this topic once I've actually played it, but for now go to TenTonHammer if you want to grab a Beta Key!)
  20. If we can maintain a presence / active mod team, the quality would go up. I am really surprised with how well our public BLR server has been (averaging 66% capacity for five days running~} and just putting a foot down now and then and keeping communication with the players has led to it being one of the more popular 'serious' servers.
  21. I'd honestly suggest sticking it out - Planetside 2 is the current major focus as it's what the majority of people play, but not everyone plays that, nor does everyone play it ALL the time. We already have people working on expanding into Blacklight (which runs fairly decently on lower-end computers), Counter-Strike, and a couple other games. If your computer can run Portal, odds are it'll be able to run at least one of the games we're looking into. :]
  22. You do not go for transfer / write rate on an SSD. Using an SSD for that is terrible for its health / condition, even with newer generation models. What you do use SSDs for are games, and your OS. Windows 7 boots up in under 10 seconds for me, and maps and games load in a similar timespan - or even instantaneously. You do not use SSDs for backing up or for media that you will be editing or transferring to the SSD repeatedly.
  23. You would just have to join the in-game clans/guilds/platoons/etc. in said games. Xoza runs the SWTOR guild, not sure about the others.

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