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ribena Homewood

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Everything posted by ribena Homewood

  1. How about we take over the world, destroy Russia's economy and create an evil empire of flesh eating, lap dancing strippers who await orders. Yes?

  2. Happy Birthday! :D [media]
  3. Hahaha, that's really nice, Jinxy. Looks snazzy! Mind if I ask how much you paid for that?
  4. Grid wide comm? I don't think we have one, so we can't really use it. Run it by Aryte first. He'll deem if it "eats TD really bad, denied >:|" or " low lag. Approved!".
  5. ^ doesn't have Operation Flashpoint 2 yet. ;-; < has it and it's . . awesome. Asda'd it. v yay'd
  6. ^ used to have a beard.. *cries* < is yo momma v likes duke nukem
  7. Awkward image? That, sir, is Ronnie Kray, formally Britain's most notorious gangster. If anything, it's a compliment. In my eyes, he is a God.
  8. Bwahahahahahaha. That came out wrong, didn't it?
  9. I hope that both of you have a cracking birthday! kissy faces, ribby.
  10. yo, just got a merit... thanks guys for being there, etc. thanks aryte. no thanks ruin. yeah.. thanks. <3 - ribby.
  11. I'm going to cut you open with a sharpened flipper, then gorge out your eyes with your own teeth and then jab a knife into your brain several times until your head looks like Freddy Crugar's. Then I'll pummel you ten times in the throat until your windpipe fails.. then I'll personally curb stomp you on Aryte's throne, and for the finisher, I'll pour dolphin intestines all over you. ..You were saying?
  12. 132. Waffle, when I see you, I'm going to make your face to crumpled up you'll be mistaken for that guy from Fantastic 4.
  13. I present to you: The Jesus I never worshipped.

  14. ^ Say "Lol'd" one more time and I'll turn it into an "Ow'd ;_;" And yes, I'll pummel you. ^ Also, new Halo looks f*cking awesome.

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