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ribena Homewood

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Posts posted by ribena Homewood

  1. ^ Is awesome because he likes heavy metal. It's official. He called me awesomesauce. \m/

    < Likes to rezz cubes above Crash's head and slowly move them down making him fall below/through prims.

    v Someone who I beat up in a training session easily. D:< (please don't be Zerowinged)

  2. Oh yeah, I'm going on Holiday again. I'll be setting off on Monday and I'll get back for Friday. I'll be busy tomorrow. Take care guys! (APART FROM RUIN AND CRASH)

    I will be on the beach enjoying my beast fry. Ja.

  3. [not sure where to put the new topic - so I placed it in the general discussion forum]

    In attempt to keep strong relations with allies, Billyjoe Benoir (formerly Ordo - Now EU) talked to me earlier concerning if it's possible to set up a *friendly melee skirmish* between the Ordo Imperialis and the Echelon Union. I, of course, can not approve this without the Imperator's permission . . But I ask all of you, does it sound any good? It'd be some good fun, we hardly see EU. Only swords/knives may be used. We'll be holding it in Rostok. Time unknown until I speak with Aryte.

    I'll ask the Imperator when he gets online . . For now. Views? :D

  4. Post all of your epic artistic creations here. :D

    Paint, Photoshop, real life drawings etc etc may be used.

    I'll start.


    Think you can beat mine? :D

  5. I'd like to thank Aryte, Justice and Scientific.

    Aryte: On rare occasions do I thank people, but Aryte is just damn straight unbelievable. The time he invests into the group as a whole is amazing. And funnily enough: He puts up with me and everyone else . . No matter how annoying we can be. He has an open door policy 24/7, ask him a question . . What does he do? He replies to you in two seconds, busy or not! You can have a great (non-insulting *wink*) conversation with him, Ordo related or not. He's great. Thank you, Aryte. Have a ffffffffffff-ing Kool-Aid.

    Justice: Never have I met someone so friendly and awesome. He's always open for a chat, and I've known him since I was a Merczateer. Justice is always there to help me and everyone else . . And he asks nothing in return. Great. That deserves major kudos. He puts up with drama and makes stuff a hell lot easier. Thank you, Justice.

    Scientific: I've known this jerk since 2007, and well . . I'm glad I met him! He's so damn supportive, and he has helped me out alot, regardless of my shitty common sense, lol. He's a huge help . . And with out him - I wouldn't be where I am today - An Ordo Imperialis member. THANK YOU, SCIENTIFIC. :D

  6. [14:54] Aryte Vesperia: Jerk.

    [14:54] Aryte Vesperia: Gay.

    [14:55] ribena Homewood: You like to jerk gays?

    [14:55] ribena Homewood: OH NICE

    [14:55] Aryte Vesperia: Omfg

    (Aryte: Edit it again and I'll hack this website and ruin all of your quotes. D:< ;-;)

  7. Some of those who have left sadden me as I look at them as great additions to the group, some of whom were long standing.

    Ordo is looked at as a Family and a Job.

    Regardless. In either situation... If there is a problem with something, you tell or Dad(Aryte), Mom(*), or your Department Head (Officer Directly above you), Assistant Manager (Officers in charge of your branch/squad/cohor, ect.) or general Manager(Legates) or Store owner (Aryte).

    As for the leaving because they arent happy with choices...

    If you didnt speak up.. How were we to know you were unhappy or there was a problem?

    Further More, and I am sorry if this comes off as hostile, as that is not my intent at all...

    But you let your loyalty fall because of small (I am assuming) choices that change small aspects of Ordo life?

    I am drastically saddened by that. A small change causes your loyalty to falter? That is, everything else aside, where my respect for you mill wither. Those of you who know why, will understand why.

    ~Tsume Xiao

    *First thought would be Ryoaku, but yeah... dont... For this metephor we will use.. no.. not Kitsy, mothers dont do those things... Umm... No.. Not Niiya... Uhhh... Kytec...Yeah.. Kytec... He counts as a motherly figure... right?)

    Aryte's our mom. He's a shape changer. Duh!


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