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ribena Homewood

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Posts posted by ribena Homewood

  1. I'd like to ask that people don't start deploying mortars to "flush people out" instead, as the same thing apples.

    It's cheap.

    I usually ask to deploy the mortar when it's actually needed. For a group of mechs or a tank, for example.

    Flushing people out "becuz dey steyed der 2 logn lol" is pretty cheap, I agree with Niiya.

  2. We should designate a small closet for people to afk in. Yes, I know people are going to point out the obvious derogatory comment about being in the closet, but disregard that. A simple small room where people can stuff themselves to go afk. That way, it keeps them out of the way, and too, it concentrates the green dots on the minimap so it looks like we're about to go on a raid 24/7.

    Rei . . That'd be great. C.A.T.I would be like "Have our men line up on the wall! Ordo are gathering up again. D:"

  3. yey...=D

    Ill be back later on ;)

    I really need to get a decent weapon tho =/ im using some CS gun it's awsome but gotta have the CS tag on to wear it...but i just got a AK47 =D but i dont like has a small clip which i dont mind but a small clip and fully auto nu hu

    You dont moan that much any way...39th / the Accident people are probly the wose 39th litterally cried when i blew there core into little peices and the guys in Dorien well...they had like 6 people on base and i went there when you guys kicked me out last night and they ejected me and told me i had to come back when there was a bigger defence D:

    i get the fealing you guys think we cheet because we can get in your out post...

    You technically do cheat.

    You have been warned several times for using a jetpack what boosts you over 75m. If you weren't using that . . I'd have 500L$ saying that you wouldn't of gained access to the outpost. :D


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