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Lanny Ansar

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Everything posted by Lanny Ansar

  1. Ghost in the Shell was indeed a very good watch. I actually own the movie on DVD, along with Cowboy Bebop: The Movie. Haven't seen the second Ghost or anything past that, because i've overheard that the franchise slipped away after the first movie. Claymore's good. I enjoyed Princess Mononoke as well, although it's been almost a decade since i've seen it. I read a good portion of the original manga version of Akira. (They had it at my high school's Library, which was AWESOME.) The Anime film adaptation was a hit, although they had to try to cram a World Book Encyclopedia's worth of page detail into a medium-length movie. One series i once saw, that my father actually had caught onto and showed to me, because at the time, they had the series airing on Toonami (Yes, Cartoon Mo'fuckin' Network).. Blue Submarine Number 6, or Blue Sub 6. It only lasted a few episodes on Cartoon Network though, which was a shame. My Dad got me into Anime, to be quite honest. But the selection we prefer is a very slim selection, because we, as Graphic Artists (My father doing it for a living) prefer the Movies and Anime that were completely innovative for their time. (Such as Ghost in the Shell, where the original movie integrated the classic hand-drawn manga style of anime, with Computer and CGI modeling.)
  2. (Okay, so this isn't an SL quote or from the Ordo, but this was actually a conversation in Zone Chat on Earth Spacedock, Star Trek Online.) (Note: I don't remember all of the names.) Zone #1: i have 16 illegitimate kids Me: Sweet dude. Can i buy one from you? i really need to get some of these dishes and laundry done. Zone #1: lol #1: 50 bucks and he's yours Me: Make it 30 and i'll toss in a ShamWow. Zone #1: Zone #2: I woulda done it for just the ShamWow... Me: You'll say WOW every time! as in "Wow, i just sold a small child into slavery for a wierd Yellow Sponge Towel!" Zone #2: But it's made by the Germans. You know they make good stuff...
  3. Wait, they RP as being members of The Police? I wonder who gets to be Sting on that one. ROOOOOXANNNE!!! xD Anyhow, yeah i know about the 8 ship limit. But i'm really not worried, since i only or two right now.
  4. After watching the X-play preview of Gears of War 3, i've recently heard of the assorted new features being added to the game. Being that it's the last of the trilogy, it HAS to go out like a champ. Playable Female characters: Yes, chicks. And they're nearly as large as the Men. Kinda arousing, but kinda scary at the same time. True 4-player Co-Op. New Weapons. Noted: The Digger (Don't remember the name, Shoots a small creature that burrows into the ground and behind cover, then pops out and explodes.) The Retro Lancer: It's the Lancer, except with the Old-fashioned Bayonet Blade instead of the Chainsaw. Double-Barrel Shotgun: Need i say more? New Game Mode: Beast Mode: Yes, Beast Mode. It's like GoW2's Horde Mode, except you play as the Enemy and seek out and destroy Humans. New Executions! Most noted and commented by Cliff as his most favorite (One of the lead developers). You get to put a boot on a guy, rip his Arm off, and proceed to beat him to death with it. Also, the Beserker's back. EDIT: Here's the link for the X-Play preview for it.
  5. I just lol'd so hard that i may need to change my shorts. >_>
  6. I can help as well if you need it. Been playing about 9 days or so and i'm at Captain 6. (Won't be for long..) I also have a rediculous amount of cash. Enough to buy a few Tier 5 Ships and outfit them with Greens and certain blues.
  7. Would you like to learn more about Propane Products? ...Or Propane Accesories?
  8. I kinda like the look of the L85A1. Last i heard though, the gun itself IRL was a bit touchy at most. I've been personally wanting an M4 SOPMOD ever since i first bought Call of Duty 4. M4 Carbine, Open-sight Reflex Sight, M203, Sound Supressor. Also, yeah. Haven't seen a whole lot of Sniper Rifles or sidearms floating around lately. I could use a Makarov PM or an M21. Or the M40A3. Or Remington R700. I've also only seen one company make a Chey-tac Intervention (MTG). And yes, a .50cal would be splendid to put up on the defense wall. An old Browning M2 on either a quad mount or just a pintle mount built into the wall could help keep the baddies from the flag with enough supressive fire.
  9. So i got the retail account Xang sent me, and i will say: This game is kinda like Heroin. It's addicting. Not only is my inner Star Trek fanboy being appeased, but the ground combat in alot of situations is just intense! I got into one of the earlier Fleet actions (The Ice Mining One) on advanced for like, almost 2 hours solid trying to complete it with about 7 other people, while i'm the only healer on my team, along with the scattered random Federation dudes runnin' around. And being a Healer is badass now, because you're not limited to a single weapon type. You can use basically any phaser, Disruptor, Plasma Rifle, etc... in-game with no penalties. Space Combat: It's a challenge for me, especially in PvP in the War Zones, since i fly the Nova Class Science Vessel (Nicknamed the Shielded Paper Crane by me...), which in most cases can hold off in a one-on-one with a player's Bird of Prey at my level, but being typical Klingon D-bags who spam cloaks and shoot at you when you're busy doing other stuff, they also like to gang up on weaker people because it's easy. (As in, i'd be doing okay fighting a guy who's got a +3 on his name, but then his +8 buddy will come and de-cloak with guns blazing after 2 minutes if i don't get reinforcements of my own.) Sad side: The turn ratio got botched compared to the old Nova Class i flew in Bridge Commander. Plus side: I can make certain stuff just vanish on some peoples' ships. I.E, they'll be fighting, and their shields will drop for about 8 seconds and they'll be like WTF?!?!? All in all: Thank you so much for the account! i now have something to feast my eyes upon for 3 solid months.
  10. Lanny "FNG" Ansar Level 16 Kills: 8 Deaths: 6 Active Mech: Thanatos Combat OverviewFavourite Prey: Miyamoto MasatadaWorst Enemy: ZoraSlade KaruMost Used Mech: Thanatos Least Used Mech: None Most Kills Mech: Thanatos Most Death Mech: Razor SE Most Eject Mech: None Most Used Arena: Double X Island Armament: 2x Small Laser - Arms 2x Slag Cannon Medium - Shoulders Equipment: 4x Small Heatsink 2x Small Heatsink Pec Perks: Energy Weapon I Ballistic Weapon I Harden Energy Armor I Artillery Strike / Repair / Ammo Drop I Advanced Mech Knowledge Tactics: Hopping to higher distance repeatedly to catch ground shots for the Slag Cannons and the Splash Damage from their bullets. Drop to Small Lasers when the Cannons go dry, and out-maneuver the enemy with constant jumping and laser fire since i basically never overheat.
  11. Lanny Ansar's real name is Ian Roberts, younger son of moderately-renowned Bondage Comics Artist Gary Roberts (Yes, there is also a Canadian Hockey Player with the same name). I have Severe Bipolar Disorder and PTSD, due to a traumatic event that will not be discussed over forums when i was 5 years old. I taught myself how to play the drums very well (Most single kickpedal rock tracks are doable for me), and when i first joined my Junior High School Choir at 8th Grade, soon realized i could sing Bass / Baritone rather well. I played the voice of Audrey II in 9th grade for my school's Production of "Little Shop of Horrors". Recieved the best applause next to Seymour and Audrey. The show over 3 Days made nearly $20,000. In RL, i may possibly be the laziest person ever, unless it pertains to Firearms, computers, or Video Games, in which i immediately catch an OCD-like symptom where if things are not perfect in my head, it will bug me until i go back and fix it. (Note how i got my Hawkeye Badges for Ordo...) Lanny Ansar is Level 68, No Prestige in Modern Warfare 2 after only 2.5 Days of clocked gameplay. He also has unlocked nearly every mod for the M4A1 in-game, spare the Extended Mags and Fall camo pattern. I also have an intense fear of heights that are above 10 feet. If i look down from that height, i immediately get dizzy and nearly fall over. P.S, i'm also Just a Small town girl, living in a Lonely world.....who took the Midnight Train goin' anywhere. .... xD
  12. [1:03] Disembodied Hand: dont call him a vampire [1:03] Disembodied Hand: he sparkles in sunlight [1:03] Disembodied Hand: thats not. [1:03] Lilium Supermarine: 'gay' vampire [1:03] Disembodied Hand: i repeat [1:03] Lilium Supermarine: >_> [1:03] Disembodied Hand: not. [1:03] Disembodied Hand: a vampire [1:03] Lilium Supermarine: lol [1:03] Lilium Supermarine: all right then [1:03] Lilium Supermarine: he's a fanged homosexual? [1:03] Lanny Ansar: Twilight: The Story of one girl's struggle between Beastiality and Necrophilia. [1:03] Disembodied Hand: Also, what really grinds my gears [1:03] Disembodied Hand: the best thing they had goin for the [1:03] Disembodied Hand: them [1:03] Disembodied Hand: the werewolves that turn into 10 foot wolves [1:04] Disembodied Hand: they called shapeshifters [1:04] Disembodied Hand: but only turn into wolves. [1:04] Drasamax Python is Offline [1:04] Lilium Supermarine: Lol [1:04] Disembodied Hand face palms [1:04] Lilium Supermarine: Twilight is just full of lose. [1:04] Disembodied Hand: truth [1:04] Disembodied Hand: tho I am watching true blood right now [1:04] Lanny Ansar (Channel 1): oic:1 [1:04] OIC Tracker: Processing .. This might take up to a minute depending on various factors. [1:04] Lilium Supermarine: If i could remember my ordo website info, [1:03] Lanny Ansar: Twilight: The Story of one girl's struggle between Beastiality and Necrophilia. , would be on that qoutes of win. [1:04] Mercury: Lanny Ansar initiated OIC transfer. [1:05] Lanny Ansar: I can post it. [1:05] Lilium Supermarine: do it SNEAKY EPIC TROLL IS SNEAKY
  13. Which server are you on? i'm on...Thelanis, i believe. Haven't played in a while due to getting into Allods finally. I'm a level 5 Dwarf Fighter with 3 seperate two-handed weapons for the occasions that arise. (Undead-specific, Ghost / Spectre-specific, and Lawful Bane Spacific). I also have ...i think +4 Full Plate, since +5 unlocks at level 6. I can basically solo most of the quests i have (Which i was doing with a Cleric Hireling until i got bored) and against mobs of my level, i don't get hit very often. My highest critical hit to date on that toon is 100.
  14. Little kids wear Superman Pajamas at night. Superman wears Ethan Schuman Pajamas at night. Edit: forgot that damn C. Like naming your kid Juston, but having it pronounced as Justin.
  15. There's a trick to getting all of those modules while playing for free, but they've designed it to where it requires 50x more work. When you do quests, they give you favor points for every completion. The harder the difficulty, the more points you recieve. Well, turns out these quests are entirely repeatable. And for every 100 favor, Turbine mails you 25 DDO Store Points. They hand you about 50-75 points by the time you finish Korthos Island. Don't buy anything with them. Especially gear. You'll get even better stuff as you do quests. Then at about 150 or so DDO points, you can buy one of the cheapie low-level packs. Also, the Favor you earn unlocks account status boosts. So instead of paying for a Drow character, or new Character Slots, or Warforged, or Veteran Status, they'll give it to you after so many Favor Points. Also, your DDO points stack inbetween servers. So you can run Korthos on one toon on one server for the 75 points, then run it on another server, and boom. 75 more points. OVerall, the game's a giant solo grindfest unless you can find a raiding guild that's willing to help you level. But from what i've seen, they're all permadeath guilds. (AkA: If you die when questing / raiding, they make you delete your toon and start over, like in real D&D. Either that or you leave the guild.)
  16. I will Totally play CS:S with you. they just recently set out an update that makes the game compatible with the Mac (So Mac users can finally have a comparable FPS game). Hence why the game was on sale for a bit under $7. I've been playing the game since 2004. Only really owned my own copy since '06. My Steam name is Ianwrym. You can probably use Officejesus as well (Heh, my old CS:S Nickname back at Subzero Games).
  17. Trial and Retail Keys don't work on pre-existing accounts. The only option for those is to either buy the game and subscribe, or download the demo and subscribe.
  18. Oh, then you went the extra mile then. Good man. Damn shame that i couldn't snag an account. I would've used the crap outta that 60-90 days.
  19. It's LTJG 3. They stop you just before you're able to unlock your tier 1 ship.
  20. Is this why when i try to divide by 0 on my Calculator, it suddenly goes off like a Plastic Frag Grenade in my hands?
  21. I use Vertical Life 1.5.5, since for some reason when i found the viewer, it was the only one available for me to download. It seems to work much better than my old Classic viewer 1.2, but for some reason it has a tendency to lock up and crash on me at random times, especially when a Battle is winding down or has stopped altogether, probably because the Sim load drops like a sack of rocks and the viewer has a bit of a stroke to compensate. Also, i've been having an issue with SL where my monitor will lock up, and then flicker out and go black for a few seconds, and then go back to normal again when running Second Life. It doesn't do this with any other game except SL.
  22. By the way, you'll only get the referral credit if the people you give accounts to subscribe to a full account. If they use the 90 days and stop afterwards, you won't get the credit.

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