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Everything posted by Deadmon

  1. I am too, I was just saying the beta is probably more final than youd think. Itll probably evolve more after release than it does from beta to release.
  2. People always say that during betas, but lately every single beta is damn near the release with just the worst bugs fixed, sometimes not even that. SWTOR was a great example. Lol. especially since this is a free to play model they are likely to get the game released sooner rather than later and just fix it as they go along,
  3. I know, but for instance I said "Im a PS1 vet that lost his account through email transfer. Hook me up with some more mayhem?" or something to those lines. The betas they are giving out through twitter are priority beta keys, meaning first round of beta access in this phase. Likely staggered by a few hours or a single day to lighten the amount of logins.
  4. ^ if you harass twitter right now and follow then essentially claim you are a PS1 vet or super excited about the game or something similar you can get a priority beta access code. @Planetside2
  5. sounds fun, just cause and just cause 2 are pretty fun if you just dont give a Ffff about plausibility. I can only imagine tons of people doing that shit together.
  6. Yeah but I was muni for several months. Hence the E-3 instead of E-1 thing. Or at least thats the reason I was given ;p
  7. Yeah, from what ive seen they are avoiding "pay to win" as much as possible. more like "pay for more choices of even level"
  9. Same, no time to play though. It hurts.
  10. ehhh... That did little to satisfy me. If anything im worried about the amount of validation they are trying to give it.
  11. Yeah, there's probably a whole 3 servers available / regularly occupied. Im really torn on this, as a "fully trained soldier wearing body armor" you should be able to take (armor brunt obviously) or at least divert a knife slash into a non-lethal blow from the front. On the other hand, it sucks when you land it and they end up not dieing from it :[
  12. I really hope it isnt modern. With this close timing its unlikely theres any major leaps forward in tech or graphics. It would be bad company "bleh" probably. Dont get me wrong, bad company had its good parts, but for the most part they were sub-par. past, future, something not modern. :[ .
  13. Mortalk Kombat, Street Fighter, my absolute favorite: Bloody Roar
  14. mason jar + moonshine + some form of fruit = the bees knees.
  15. im guessing thats supposed to be joe-schmoe gamer. He looks scared and constipated.
  16. I was a 2142 fan myself, I enjoyed the unique "titan" mode and the tech also, picking up packs instead of resupply is my standard battlefield tactic. Its faster and you dont have to leave your recently secured (you just killed people so yeah its clear) position unprepared.
  17. holy crap, guess I missed that, its only $10 more than usual but still thats stupid.
  18. are you talking about premium? because its the game + all expansions (3 ) + various other shit
  19. This is way too soon for a new BF game, usually they take much longer between each. Some of the early speculation is that its going to be a non-modern one. Hoping for futuristic? ;p
  20. flashpoint and redriver are kinda under rated. They were pretty good single player.
  21. top list: Matter manipulation (see: FMA style alchemy) Teleportation (see: X-men's Azazel) Ability to make shit explode (see: x-men's gambit) Invisibility (besides the ability to creep, major assasination ability as long as it tricks thermals ect) @markius Super speed should enable you to run on water, or else its just "kinda fast" speed.
  22. PLZ TELL ME HOW IT IS. Ive wanted it for a while but its stupid expensive. I have the razer carcharias and its boss. I am super "break my headset" prone and have yet to do any damage to it, while still tripping over, dropping, yanking on it. ect.

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