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Scientific Waffle

L$1500 Prize!

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Attention all builders, sculpters, and plywood box fans alike:

I am hereby announcing that I will award

1500 L$

to anyone who can build me a proper waffle head to my specifications!

You see, my one problem with my current waffle head is that I am sadly denied what was once a joy and source of pride in my Second Life: head paraphernalia! Due to the rather unique shape of my waffly head, I am denied the joy of hats, scarfs, glasses, berets, beards, and all sorts of fun things people put upon their heads.

Being that I lack the conceptual vision and technical know-how to create a waffle head which would allow me to occasionally partake in the joy of head accessories, I have announced that I will pay the above amount to any individual who can create a waffle head which:

1. Allows me to wear hats, glasses (though no actual eyes needed), and other various standard head-based equipment.

2. Looks similar enough to my current waffle head (in terms of general aesthetic) to keep my current "look" going. I will provide any resource requested (textures, current heads) to help builders with this.

3. I must like/enjoy/approve of the final build of my new head.

Builders can use any building technique (sculpts, miniprims, the like) to create my new head, so long as it fulfills the above conditions. I would be overjoyed if anyone succeeded in fulfilling the above requirements, but I would not be surprised if no one ends up being able to, being that the Ordo's top builders are naturally bogged down with actual important projects. Please post in this thread with thoughts/questions regarding this contest.

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Waffles present the issue of being flat. Where glasses and other headwear require something spherical. If there is an intent to use pre-existing hats and the like, some sort of vaguely size head would have to come of it one way or another. Belgian waffle sideways (as opposed to facing front as your current layout) would provide at least some thickness, and keeping it down to size would be key.

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We can warp the fabric of space/time by utilizing cat based uncertainty generators, and when a critical point is reached, we can then alter the localized rules of mathematics and convince a flat waffle that it is, in fact, round and possess enough gravitational pull to maintain butter/syrup against it's surface and then mount it on Scientific's shoulders.


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