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Agares Tretiak

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Everything posted by Agares Tretiak

  1. This is rapidly becoming a novel.
  2. I can make an alteration, as needed, Keller. Which direction? up or down?
  3. This is the Schedule and System We will hold two interviews, per day, for the next five days. You must meet your scheduled time. Scheduled times will not revolve around your most preferred times, in some cases, as the Guard must be able to be present at roughly the same time, under our new system. IF there is some reason you will not be able to make it, please inform me of why. Missing your panel interview is... an extremely negative thing to happen. Saturday: 10:00 AM SLT: Ron Bleac 12:30 AM SLT: Keller Teichmann Sunday: 3:00 PM SLT: Teron Gray 5:30 PM SLT: Dascede Aluveaux Monday: 3:00 PM SLT: Trinity Heckroth 5:30 PM SLT: Zerowinged Vasiliev Tuesday: 3:00 PM SLT: Zrazor Rozenstrauch 5:30 PM SLT: SoulBinder Wolfstein Rescheduled - Next Saturday. Wednesday: 3:00 PM SLT: Kristian Kit 5:30 PM SLT: WolfShaman Warrior Anyone who misses their interviews and has a valid reason, or simply, absolutely cannot make their scheduled time, will be rescheduled on Friday, next week, for 4 Weekend "make up" interviews. I am hoping this will not be necessary, however, as I'd like to get the interviews finished and the internal debate on who the new Initiates will be, as quickly as possible. Thank you everyone and good luck!
  4. I should be able to post a schedule today! CHECK BACK SOON, MY FRIENDS.
  5. And I insist you get a hug from said "baguette" player. Come on. It's ok.
  6. Those who didn't make the final cut, should not despair: You've all shown extremely high levels of skill, and one of the reasons the deliberations took so long was not just my being sick, but because picking out the finalists was very difficult for everyone involved. All of you should be proud, not just for getting into the Trials, but for making it as far as many of you did. It was always clear from the start, that out of 23, only 5 would be picked. However, very few of you were asked to withdraw, until this point, a very true testament of your skills.
  7. After considerable deliberation and close examination of every candidate, we have the list of finalists. These 10 individuals will proceed on to the final interviews, one before a panel of individuals linked tot he Guard, and if the Imperator is not present at the panel, another with him personally. From these 10, we will find our next 5 Praetorian Initiates. Everyone who has participated in these trials has shown what a variety and great level of skill we've come to expect and rely on in the Ordo, and the selection has not been an easy one. All those who have had an opportunity to participate, should feel proud of what you all have accomplished, in these trials, and I take my hat (or hood in this case) off to you. If anyone has any questions or wish to speak with me, please feel free to do so. And here is the list (in no particular order). 1. Ron Bleac 2. Keller Teichmann 3. Zrazor Rozenstrauch 4. Zerowinged Vasiliev 5. Kristian Kit 6. Teron Gray 7. Trinity Heckroth 8. WolfShaman Warrior 9. SoulBinder Wolfstein 10. Dascede Aluveaux Congratulations, Candidate Finalists! Please keep your eyes peeled for subsequent threads regarding the scheduling of your interviews. Thank you, everyone.
  8. Happy Batterday, Waffle! Found a picture of your moment of conception. Truly, Immaculate. /> Stupid picture thing won't work. :(
  9. Due to my extended illness, we will be posting our list of finalists on Wednesday, unless we somehow finish deliberations today. I am very sorry for the delay.
  10. Don't get drunk. Have a happy birthday, though!
  11. Updated Carta (For those who've not seen it yet)
  12. I am very sorry for the delay in posting these. being sick has played hell with me in a variety of of unpleasant ways, and I sincerely apologize. I am begging you to please, PLEASE make sure you can make it to your trial time, or otherwise indicate to me IMMEDIATELY via PM on the FORUMS if you cannot. These trials will provide sufficient data for me to eliminate all but 10 finalists, who will move to the 4th phase, which will be a scheduled panel interview with the Guard, and will include Curia and possibly AiR representatives as well. A list of finalists will be posted on TUESDAY. For a variety of reasons, I will not reveal total scores, only grades (a, b, c, d, f) of those who did not make the finalist list, if they request it in private.
  13. Short answer? Pure, unadulterated wrath, of the Old Testament biblical sort.
  14. Anly's can be charred plywood, because she's going to burn in hell.
  15. I'd like a miniature. Except it'd be...too tall to be a miniature. More like a small statue.
  16. I have completed Armatura. I'd like to have the merit, please.
  17. IF you are wondering where Agares went to, he is tied up with helping some folks out elsewhere and can't show up to conduct the trials. If they aren't held, NO FEARS. I'll be rescheduling them for sometime early next week. ;_; I'm really sorry about this upset in the running of the trials.
  18. This would be an excellent chance to integrate the larger basis of fictional setting and "fluff" that Tiri and I have been writing for the past few months. You should check out some of our work, to see if it can be integrated to create a more interesting and fleshed out experience, Mr. Schuman.
  19. Vincent Lucerne will participate in time slot C on Sunday.

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