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Tsume Xiao

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Everything posted by Tsume Xiao

  1. My Jew-sense is tingling, and my ears are preemptively ringing with the sounds of IM's going "Jew! Get back to work!"
  2. Oh sure. They get a thread. D: I got nothing on my birthday. ;-; Happy birthday you three!
  3. Actually, since the Second Life Hot Spots thing....
  4. I suggest making a copy of your parts and make a folder and rename the copies "<Name of part> - Scriptless" :o
  5. Just hit Prestige #9 Yesterday and we are up to Level 24 already. I say we because its the guy next door to me, and everyone on the floor comes to play. The User anme is Cracky221 You will usually find me playing Team Deathmatch with the aptly named "Jew" Class, which, at the moment, is Tavor (M203 or MARS) constantly changing secondary, Marathon, Stopping Power, and Commando/Steady Aim with Flashes and Symtex. If you find me in Hardcore Team Deathmatch, I will be using the even more aptly named "Nin-Jew" class, which will be either an SMG or Sniper rifle (the latter solely for the ghille) A pistol or machine pistol, flash, symtex, Marathon, Cold Blooded, and Ninja. Probably wont find me in hardcore until we unlock Ninja and Cold blooded again.
  6. There are 3 types of spread used in weapons in teh Ordo (and the grid in general) -Fixed -Rez Offset -Conical They each function differently, and have advantages and disadvantages. Fixed Fixed spread is usually small, and functions with the bullets rezzing in the same position every time they fire. Some weapon use this to rez things to create no spread, where as others use it to creat a small tight spread, usually triangular in nature, that the weapon cycle through. These weapons are very predictable, and require the least calculations. However, some times they can be unfavorable for some combat situations because they lack spread. Rez Offset A variation on the Fixed spread, the Rez Offset creates the illusion of spread by randomizing the res position of the bullet on the X-Y plane withing a given size/distance parameter. Imagine a picture frame in front of your gun. The bullets will rez anywhere withing that frame, and then continue on that path. These weapons work well for close quarters combat, where the higher spread SMG's provide a large coverage of the area in front of you. However, the nature of the randomness can make them somewhat unfavorable at long ranges, as they lack predictable precision that can be found with the other types. Accuracy, or the ability to create a grouping in a given space remains constant over distance as the bullets rez as far from your crosshair as they will ever be. Conical Perhaps the best compromise, and definitely the most realistic (and my personal favorite) is Conical spread. To imagine conical spread, think of a long cone with the tip at your crosshair. When a bullet fires, it travels a path whose deviation (the max determined by trigonometric limits) and gets further form the center over time. This spread is able to tailor weapons to their purpose. For example, Machine Pistols would have a large spread, making them great for close-quarters, but give you little chance to hit something at range. By contrast, an assault rifle is pin-point at close rangers, but gives a slight spread over long distances, which can be useful to suppress and take out fast moving targets. Conical spreads make the guns preform on a more focused level, but a weapon with a balanced conical spread (assault rifle) is a phenomenal all purpose weapon. Conical spread can be either fixed or Random. ---Spread types on Ordo Automatic Weapons--- No Spread: Scar & Hellgun Fixed Spread: Subjugator Random Rez Offset: Occisor, Ultionis, Curor Conical Spread: Negev, Spectre
  7. [20:23] thatguy Andel: Welcome to Ordo, I am thatguy Andel, I am a transexual bicurious homophobic heterosexual gay furry human in search of a transvestite male companion/furry to be my partner/sex slave/target of abuse. I have rainbow nipples made of bread and there is a forest of children growing in my eyeballs. Present me your clamshells, so that I may feast upon the sloth's tender fecal outlet.
  8. If only there was a way it would snap thing together. Intus, Is this something you could send me?
  9. Suggestions Sir. -Clarify that by 5m in explosives if you mean radius or diameter (I assume you mean radius) to avoid confusion. - Clarify the portion about "> TELEPORTING IN VEHICLES: Prohibited, period." Does this mean teleporting a tank to Titan? Or a tank serving as a forward TP point? If the latter, Does it have to be a vehicle capable of high occupancy, such as a dropship, APC, or IFV? The limit is actually 10m away (10m Radius) 200 Round Clip? Forget the Nazi Dinner Bell, that would be like the Nazi Big Ben. Magazine! D: Omg I'm an ass for pointing this out but sorry. <3
  10. Technically, In SL all you need is one that is Medium to High angle of fire. Due to the fighting range in SL, direct fire weapons such as field guns are un-needed, as we have rockets that preform the same task, but with less fuss (deploy, targeting, reload). Further note on specialization. Its once again become quite murky in some locations (though I could be reading too far into this here) Example. It was typically seen that Antesig was the Heavy Support squad, Invictus was the shock troopers, and Fulminata was the CQB. You can see this reflected int their smaller specialized weapons. Antesig: LMG. Invictus: SMG, Fulminata: Shotgun. Then you suddenly see a general LMG come up and negate the purpose of the "supressive yet light" Antesig LMG, then Invictus gets a supressive fire weapon and more of a heavy rifle, and Fulminata gets a Rifle/SMG hybrid. Suddenly no one really has any specialized equipment because the pool is flooded so every squad has something the other squad has, so whats the real point? I dont know what the Fulminata replacement will be, but from the sounds of things it seems to be heading towards C4 and Demolition. Hopefully the Armory cleanup will clear things up, but I'd honestly like to see small arms limited in the squads as well. Antesig: Negev LMG & Galil(?) Invictus: Spectre & Rifle thing Insidiae: ??? Basically each squad has some over lap (some for of general purpose rifle, 30 rounds each or so, nothing fancy)and then their more specialized small arm. Though in all honesty, since everyone has the Scar-L, the rifle isnt really needed. But I dont want to negate the builder's hard work (Galil and Keller-Fishy Carbine). I dont want to see this turning into a bunch of whiny Elite squads who want something because the other squad has one. :/
  11. Corsi and Zatuichi for their tremendous help with the tank training program.
  12. Fun Fact: Most of the scrapped stuff was never cleared. Agares, <3 him much, was just like "TSUME! I made this awesome _______! SCRIPT IT NOW FOR ANTESIG! GO GO GO!" c.c
  13. I got some pictures of sleeping koala's at the San Diego zoo. :3
  14. Tsume Xiao

    AC 2010

    Well, for me going depends on the job stuff ect, as I said earlier. However, it is worth noting that if I do go, I'd stay at the Hampton. It offers free breakfast & parking, is closer than the DoubleTree, and my mom can get discounts/points c.c
  16. Since it isn't on a break, for me to go I would be traveling Friday after I got out of class, and then have to leave mid afternoon Sunday. That much travel for just over a day of activities isn't worth the hassle, let alone the money it would cost for the travel. c.c
  17. Tsume Xiao

    AC 2010

    For me it really all depends on Job/Internship status and if I can get time off. I'd love to go again though for sure.
  18. It never went off the first page of the board. But yes, I am actually writing that with the group of helpers as we speak.
  19. [media] End Of Waffle Related Discussion
  21. I cant get on SL to IM you, but Still interested :o!
  22. At the current time, the plan as I understand them for standard tanks is that they will be test-deployed as a Terra Asset through Antesig, and then will move to create something like the small dropship section of Astra. It is my personal hope that NO ONE, regardless of rank is allowed to receive or operate a tank without prior training, and I have planned to make a training tank for just this purpose. As stated in the description, the Caelum is currently not official, and the Aequitas will not be issued to pretty much anyone.

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