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Desereck has arachnophobia too. Also aeroacrophobia (open heights), apiphobia (bees), thalassophobia (ocean. As long as I can see the bottom I'm okay unless on a boat).

I also found this interesting: Sesquipedalophobia is the fear of long words (also: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia)



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It is established I love water. A lot. I love swimming and anything related to water.

Curiously enough, I have an extreme fear of deep water. I refuse to swim in lakes, oceans, rivers, or anything else I cannot see the bottom of unless I absolutely need to. The water itself or how deep it might be isn't the issue, it's the fear of not knowing what kind of creatures are nearby in the water.

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I was bottled once in a bar.

I used to have a pet tarantula. They're actually very tame, they're probably the most disliked insect/creature in the world and I seriously do not know why.

I also have a strong phobia for wasps and bees. It pisses me off to the next level when they fly so close to your ear while you're trying to chill outside.

I broke my arm at a metal festival, got a blackeye and a chipped tooth at a Slipknot concert and nearly went from straight to gay for Matt Bellamy at a Muse concert.

My favorite meat is bacon.

I have a wide and very strong imagination.

I kicked Eazy's ass at CoD.

And I live in the worst estate in Bradford. There's a fight every night on a local field. Yorkshire FTW.

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Is also terrible at anything math related besides the basics.

Also hates insects, bees wasps etc.

(2 times i was teaching schola and a stink bug was right there on my keyboard twitching its attenas at me and I didn't notice it. second time one flew on my head and scared crap outa me too. If I see wasps or bees flying around near me it makes me uneasy and I won't stop watching it till it goes away.)

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Sometimes I necro post on topics I remember fondly.

WOW, I started this thread when I was what, an E-2 or E-3?

Continuing then I suppose, I kept and watered multiple cacti in my room as a child. I wanted to grow plants in my room, but I was too forgetful to water them everyday, so buying cacti just seemed to make sense.

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Zrazor, oddly enough, has had something of a fascination with insects since childhood, wasps in particular, and finds them interesting to read about and study, but just really doesn't appreciate taking a drink of Mountain Dew at a picnic and having it sting the roof of his mouth. :cry:

Zrazor also feels that wasps are more or less nature's equivalent of that guy you sort of knew in high school who would walk up to people and jerk like he was going to punch them and then be like "haha, you flinched, fag," whether they flinched or not. You know, that guy.

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