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MC: 04OCT09

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For a "going out with a bang" fight, MC seemed to really have minor involvement. 2142 and SK being the majority in Titan/Elshout. Non-IS groups.

But, few MC numbers attest to group death I suppose. After all the Air Combat drama and low blow drama attacks on our group, I wont miss them. x.x

Despite that negative sentiment, gooood fightings. But again, credit more-so to 2142 and SK really, haha.

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Black Talon infiltrated MC, they and digruntled former Ordo managed to spread dissent and hate through the MC like a plauge. Considering Vai admitted to feeling guilty about his outting of BT, and the fact he was in MC; it would be easy to make such a conclusion Desereck.

In any case, Raiduer takes the brunt of this blame, He was incapable of leadership, his ideas were flawed and idiotic. His leaving of MC that ended the war initially was because he was incapable, and incompetent.

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