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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. [21:23] ShadowFang Blessed huggies :D [21:23] ShadowFang Blessed: :3 [21:24] Aelus Janus suddenly gets flashbacks and in an act of sheer rage, puts his cigarette out on Shadow's ear. [21:24] ShadowFang Blessed (Channel 1): eyes 4 [21:24] ShadowFang Blessed: ;-; [21:24] Aelus Janus: AHHH. [21:24] ShadowFang Blessed: WHY MISTOR JANUS
  2. What is the name for the magnitude of velocity?
  3. I have nothing against Europeans, but in good humor:
  4. ^ What Sir Dain Bellic said. Couldn't of said it better! Money is tight, but I scrounged up a meager amount to donate. I will also be able to help in any way possible.
  5. Well, I'm certainly looking forward to this movie.
  7. Google, Yahoo, AskJeeves, and Bing are just a few of the search engine spiders that visit our forums to track data.
  8. Good to hear from you, Krow. I hope you're doing well and getting back on your feet!
  9. [removed] Going to figure out what sort of capabilities Google Wave has and what it can lend to the Ordo.
  10. Keno for the recent wonderful sim build. :inlove:
  11. An awareness for everyone, especially the OICs and the estate administators: As everyone has been noticing, our "random n00b" rate has increased by a few factors due to the Titan/Chronus estate being featured on the Linden Lab's Destinations list. We have received an avatar today with a completely blank profile (literally everything) and in library-default avatar attire whilst av flying in the HUB. A hasty judgement was made on his situation and he was ejected from Chronus via standard Ordo estate policy toward blank profiled avatars. This was the proper method of approach for this situation regarding the current policy, albeit there is obviously a flaw (as brought to my attention by Garion)-- the avatar was, most likely, not a danger to our weapons or gear and was simply a curious newbie that found Chronus via the Destinations list. STINKY was kindly informed post-ejection as to why he was removed from the sim and apologized to. In my opinion on the matter: While Titan/Chronus is on the Destinations list, it would be in the OIC/Estate Managers' best interest to evaluate the situation less hastily and come to a viable conclusion based off the collective knowledge of veteran experience on sim. This is where all that time and effort within the Ordo comes into play: based off the OIC's knowledge of copybotters and newbies one must come to the conclusion of eject or let be. It's a tough choice but I don't think it would be in our best interest to go banning every blank profile that comes along to our Estate, else we will look very paranoid, they'll tell their friends, we'll develop an undesirable reputation, and LL may ultimately remove us from the destination list prematurely. Thoughts? Comments?
  12. I haven't been invited yet. Can you toss me one of those invites please, Gul?
  13. Answer was six points. 1. Convert 50 (kilometers per hour) to (miles per hour) 2. Convert 3.4322×108 to You're allowed to use any resource.
  14. Hey Dain, welcome to the Ordo.
  15. Cygna

    Post Your Desktop

    Merging Kastrenzo's new thread with desktop thread.
  16. In American football, how many points is a touchdown (and just the touchdown) worth?
  17. Word cloud ( of the speech Aryte gave for the Ordo's recent anniversary.

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