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Everything posted by Cygna

  1. A challenge to opposing forces would be amazing, haha. Give them incentive!
  2. And lo! and behold, we compose fine melodies of symphonic diligence. Our cantabile chords of canon never miss a coda; the elegy of elegance, our falsetto finale, we will overcome all obstacles as a madrigal major march in minor!
  3. Here's the .PSD so everyone can have a try. (lol this is dangerous)
  4. Changed thread title from caps and also made it say "wallpaper" because we already has a desktop thread.
  5. Trinity, you sure has/had a lot of consoles and systems!
  6. Thought I'd share melodysheep's latest creation. [media]
  7. Steam names can be placed in your profile here on the forum, too! Steam: infinituslacuna Rank: iono Gonna play more over Thanksgiving break.
  8. The Russian version does not even offer the option. Although with a proper patch, one can unlock the mission.
  9. Is it sad to say I didn't hesitate either? I didn't think, at the beginning, that we'd shoot everyone though <_< This mission was completely omitted all together in the Russian version of the game.
  10. This mission was just insane.
  11. Cygna


    Omg so wierd. :< It's a soup commercial
  12. Cygna

    My Story

    Greetings to everyone old and new. My name is Intus Infinity. Intus means "into" in Latin. I am an Ordo Imperialis Praetorian Guardsman, all Ordo internet affairs root administrator, and a general administrator within the Ordo (ventrilo, estate, database, etc). I enjoy good conversation, open minds, and the strictness of a military environment. I played Second Life randomly in 2005 and 2006 as the avatar Dakota Vinson. During this time I flew planes at Flyin' Tails Aviation with Aelus Janus (then Lance Vinson) and Fen Fouroux (then Vance Vinson). Aryte Vesperia, Kitsy Bunnyhug, and a few Star Wars role-players that were in Ordo (i.e. Joseph Spearmann) were some of the faces that I knew at this time. I ended up applying for the Novus Ordo Imperialis, but I was kicked from my Schola lesson because I laughed at the Instructor for messing up. I stopped playing Second Life in mid 2006 to pursue a career in high school, which I failed horribly. I then played WoW. I rejoined SL in August 2007 under the name Intus Infinity, and on the first day logging in I had joined the then not open Ordo Imperialis with the sim Port Malus. Sim opened about two or three weeks later. I have many fond memories of these days but I will not recollect too many of them. Some of my Schola compatriots were Rei Kuhr and Loki Cramer, and my Schola instructors were both Yoko Puff and Neil Nacon. I have been around ever since and have an extensive career within the Ordo Imperialis, touching many branches and positions. Thanks for reading! I'm a friendly person: don't hesitate to contact me.
  13. I rate trinity's a 0/10 because she doesn't has one. e_e don't hit me

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