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Trinity Heckroth

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Everything posted by Trinity Heckroth

  1. When I first saw that image I thought it was Nanao.
  2. ^ squigglysaurus < did not click the link V will join the link-click resistance
  3. ^ Is a fish < is wearing a green shirt v is not pink
  4. Well, its about coordinating the special abilities and routes, too.
  5. Because... only people can use the internet. People like bacon.
  6. Ribby you already got beaten down about this in another thread. so ha. Also; Reach is pretty freaking awesome.
  7. ^ is a fish < is not a fish v is also a fish.
  8. [16:10] Trinity Heckroth: I have a special injection for you. [16:11] Kryo Recreant: That sounds dodgy. Is this what you told me to look out for? <_< [16:11] Trinity Heckroth: It's a blend of caffeine, LSD, and pure adrenaline. [16:11] Kryo Recreant: Oh snap that sounds like I'm going to die. [16:12] Kryo Recreant: Ok ma'am you're on. [16:12] Trinity Heckroth injects it into your heart with the needlegun [16:12] Kryo Recreant's heart explodes like a baked potato taken from the microwave without any holes punched in the skin D:
  9. Same experiences Zach. Like it alone, love it on a good team, hate it on a bad team.
  10. [1:41] Zabimato Outlander: Go to bed. [1:41] Trinity Heckroth: IM DOIN OFFICERY THINGS [1:41] Zabimato Outlander: GO TO BED DAMN IT! [1:41] Trinity Heckroth: DUTY BEFORE BODY
  11. Is bacon a great thing or the greatest thing?
  12. vury nice Euro. I totally want one. :3
  13. I want one, Dr. Snuggles MD.
  14. ^ is my friend <3 < should be asleep v is not Aryte
  15. d'awwwww <3 Vinneh! Hi5! o/ OK! TECHNO PARTEH! but I dont want raep.

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