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Everything posted by Kellervo

  1. New MechWarrior game is going to be a F2P MMO. I don't know who else likes mech combat, but they're opening registration now so people can grab pilot names. :d
  2. Nah, the funny thing is you fly in with helicopters and Ospreys, and just land on the beach beside all the landing craft full of more troops and tanks. And then promptly get cut down en masse. Also, the main reason my cousins were dying was because they were looking to the right (as opposed to the left) and trying to follow behind the tanks and the pile of rocks on the right side. Sandman's FOLLOW indicator only appeared after they tried going left instead and had to make the sprint to the wall. But the point still stands that from a plot standpoint it's pretty damn stupid. How the hell did Russia have an invasion force right outside of Hamburg, and level the entire city in half an hour? :[
  3. I am watching my fourteen year old cousin play - and even he's complaining about how stupid the story is. Specifically, one level is in Hamburg, Germany. After detonating bombs in every single European city / military base and invading all of Europe (don't ask how they hid entire invasion-scale forces right outside the cities - there's literally an hour or two between the bombs going BOOM, Russians invading, and the American reinforcements arriving - meaning Russia has gone from kicking America's ass to begging for peace to kicking Europe's ass in literally a span of two hours), the Russians - who are supposed to be at a peace treaty because they were supposedly getting their asses kicked - instead decide to go genocide up in this and start razing Hamburg, Germany. What does America do? Launches a gigantic D-Day style invasion against a very well entrenched position - with no visible anti-air. So they park all the landing craft and helicopters on the oceanfront and proceed to walk - not run - across a wide open beach. My cousin took about ten minutes to get through this sequence because the only prompt is "use cover". The game does not tell you you need to move to a specific series of otherwise indistinguishable rocks - it just kills you. It doesn't matter if you're fully hidden behind one set of rocks that other GIs are hiding behind safely - you get picked off by the Russian God Sniper. But then I realized something. Hamburg isn't on the ocean.
  4. Anti-materiel, however, has absolutely horrific results. Even the air 'tunnel' around the round is enough for amputation, decapitation, et cetera. They aren't allowed due to the fact that people can still survive such horrific injuries, and as a result spend their last few minutes in what is probably the most horrific pain imaginable. And for more nightmare fuel, there are .50 thermobaric / incendiary rounds, which normally would be flatout banned for use against infantry - but are a-ok to use against tanks/vehicles, where they are specifically designed to incapacitate the vehicle by basically covering the occupants in fuel and turning the inside of the vehicle into an oven. Suffice to say, the Geneva Convention has some big loopholes which are abused in all kinds of nasty ways. :[
  5. My honest opinion is don't spend money on it if you already own MW2 and are happy / content with its offerings. MW3 multiplayer has its potential, but the initial map pack sucks / favors run-and-gun exclusively over any other playing style. Since PC doesn't get the 'full Elite package', we get charged the full $15 for DLC packs, so... yeah. Hold onto the money.
  6. I've already played through and beaten the first few levels of SP (hooray having a gaming cafe on my company's list of benefits). Each is about ten minutes long at most, but works out to around twice that due to the tendency for enemies to literally spawn on you. I've died three times to enemies rifle-butting me when I take cover behind what is apparently a spawn point. As for the levels themselves, essentially it's the MW2 campaign, but even shorter. The equivalent of the Whisky Hotel level is the very first one (with a helicopter ride similar to the one in MW2), the second level is more or less a slightly longer "Airplane!" level (from MW1), and the fourth is the Favela, only this time it's set in South Africa and the running segments give you a gun. EDIT: I just realized one of the levels was so fast I pretty much forgot about it. It's pretty much just like MW1's Heat, except your minigun has wheels. Even some of the cinematic elements are blatantly borrowed from MW2, to the point it's nauseating. One character you play as gets shot in the chest opening a door (No Russian from MW2), survives, falls over, watches his partner get shot and thrown down beside him, and then gets shot in the head. It's one thing to rip off the sequence, but to portray it like it's some kind of 'subtle' nod to Ghost/Roach/Gaz is again, nauseating. Oh, and are you sick of QTEs where you make a leap of faith only to fail / get helped by someone else? One in every other level. The levels are seriously more or less remodels of the above and have some of the same elements, but aren't quite as cheap. The explosions are overdone and by the end of the first level it's pretty much "well, shit, I'm surprised that didn't explode". You can tell this isn't the old IW as the explosions don't even pack that much 'wow' to begin with. It feels like every scene thus far has been a retread of everything from MW1, MW2, and even Black Ops. In the span of forty minutes I was introduced to no less then eight characters, and three of them are already dead. Soap and Price are both so flat and melodramatic in their insane bro-love that I kinda wish they would die instead. And I hope you like quicktime events because there's at least one in every level. As for the content lifting, I can see why people are thinking that way. Keep in mind this is just through four levels and I apparently have at least eight more to go; - The Russians in New York are literally just reskins of the Russians from MW2 - but while they wore flashy, distinctive camo in MW2, they look almost identical to the Americans in MW3. It was to the point I got three fails in a row because I shot an American thinking he was a Russian. - The Russians in the Airplane! level are literally just reskins of Makarov's Mercenaries from MW2. - The Africans are reskins of the Brazilians from MW2 - they wear drab red / green instead of flashy vibrant shirts. - The Russians in the second level? Reskins of the Spetsnaz from MW2, with MW1-style gasmasks and SAS hoods. - The SAS / Seals are literally just retextured from MW1/MW2 - if that. - The Russian police in the plane? Some of them are just reskins of the airport police from MW2. The only genuinely new content aside from the weapons? The Juggernaut, who got remodelled into something that doesn't really look that awesome or intimidating anymore. Instead he looks like a reject from Army of Two. His helmet has a visor on it, and a visor over it. And if that's not enough eye protection, underneath his helmet he still has goggles on. Not to mention all the metal plates which don't actually protect anything. Don't even get me started on the story. SO MUCH RAGE. AND I DIDN'T EVEN PAY FOR IT.
  7. Someone is apparently going through and screen-capping key points in the game to point out what content is lifted straight from MW2 - which is apparently pretty much all of it.
  8. Probably most telling is that the PC version lacks Metacritic data on launch day, but the console versions do - and even then the game's not even in the 90% range. Explanation; One of Activision's common 'tactics' is to prevent bad reviews from coming out prior to launch by simply threatening to withdraw future advance copies from publications which give them poor scores prior to launch. The PC edition doesn't have a single review from a major publication yet.
  9. I looked into Blue Mars, and while it has far more power for content developers then SL (even with mesh out), the amount of interaction is extremely limited and clumsy at best. Great graphics, terrible gameplay, essentially.
  10. Kellervo

    Mesh Rigging

    I use Maya to rig - I'm working on my avatar at the moment, and hope to have it done very soon. It's fairly straight-forward - the auto-rigging tool is extremely effective with the SL skeleton and you generally won't have much to correct aside from crevices or "hard" surfaces (like rigging body armor plates which shouldn't stretch/bend). SL's rigging supports multiple-joint weighing, which makes clothing look better - especially on the torso / legs. Not sure if ZBrush does MJW, but if it does, do eet.
  11. IIRC, some of the people who worked on NEO and Hull actually work for Zombie Studios - the team behind BL - now. I could be wrong on that note, but they did list both as inspirations for the aesthetics.
  12. I switched to Shaw a while back. Had issues with the technician being a derp and derping up the entire house (he installed a broken signal splitter), but since then he connection's been perfect. Well over 2MB now. :]
  13. The one thing I enjoyed most about Blacklight was the combat, and the sheer extent of customization it offered. Certainly, some setups were so distinctively over-powered that they were beyond ridiculous, and the community completely died out thanks to GWFL being a complete and total pain. That and the lack of variety / sounds with the weapons became incredibly monotonous after awhile (and the only one which sounded powerful was the weak-ass LMG). That said, I want in. :[ Also what kind of name is Sniper Foxglove.
  14. To put CDF into perspective, I launched an Admonitor against them, weapons free. The first raid which warranted unrestrained fleet ship bombardment in my entire three years here. I can understand the concern, and it is something oft repeated or mentioned to me in-world. Unnecessary escalation is a very bad thing, but in many cases there will always be some kind of complicating factor.
  15. I might still have a post-secondary education license for Maya sitting around. Or rather, an invite, but I'm not sure if that offer is still going. ;[
  16. It's what happens when those three daily raids aren't done, and a squad doesn't meet activity requirements. >;[
  17. The atmosphere, and the folks, and the creative outlet it provides. :]
  18. There was also a performance boosting patch released yesterday, which seems to have dealt with a few of the audio / visual errors. Apparently if you had multiple versions or patches of .NET Framework installed, it ran a process for every single one of them, hence the performance issue on some computers (especially my own. ;< )
  19. One thing I would suggest is to apply bevelling to the edges, like around the grip and along the top of the rifle. While they generally are pretty sharp / noticeable edges in reality, it doesn't look totally natural. And a razor-sharp edged grip would be incredibly uncomfortable to hold. ;[
  20. I found a picture of Skrillex. I can see why people don't like him now. Dude is creepy as hell.
  21. (someone already asked about the music track. Yes, it's Skrillex. I actually kinda like it, and I normally hate dubstep / electronic) Syndicate's yet another videogame franchise reboot. Based off the 1993 corporate espionage / cyberpunk strategy game, the reboot changes it from a squad-based tactical shooter into more of a single-player tactical shooter. Aside from the announcement trailer, not much is known (even though it's been in development for almost five years), but Syndicate and XCOM were two of my favorite games growing up. At least one of them is getting a reboot that sticks true to the source material in most regards. ;[
  22. A 55x120m slug made from tungsten at relativistic speed would be able to obliterate entire planets, not just battleships or space stations. That's a goddamn Exterminatus cannon. 8c
  23. According to the YouTube transcriber, it's actually "CLOTHES CLOTHES CLOTHES CLOTHES CLOTHES SALUUUUUTE D8<"
  24. Just go Chaos Black with Primary, Mithril Silver detail, except for the helmet and breastplate - use Thousand Sons Blue or Shadow Grey, they seem to be the closest approximation to Ordo Blue. />

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