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Tiridates Mikadze

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Everything posted by Tiridates Mikadze

  1. This argument is so important I'm falling asleep reading it.
  2. So, basically, every Italian proto-newb guy on the Grid?
  3. I'm an old hand at tank warfare, don't you know, chaps, I fought that dastardly Desert Fox, haha! For King and Country, wot.
  4. Today, Ron, there will be 72 degree (Fahrenheit) weather in Finland and a genuine 60's beach party in your honor.
  5. Make something that sounds like Godzilla stomping through a dial-up handshake on copious amounts of opium, drifting up from the darkest pits of a crater-filled metropolis. So dirty it's black, and grittier than a condom full of sand. Like, an apocalpytically grim psychedelic dubstep from the depths of the abyss. Do this, and I will doff my hat to you, good sir.
  6. I'd be wearing my cool, personally designed creepy-helmet if I were doing this. :(
  7. Picture of a Praetorian(s): SUBMIT AND REPENT Picture of me: Laxity leads to Heresy, Heresy leads to Purgation Picture of Aryte, Looking leadery and Emperorish: HE FIGHTS FOR YOU, WILL YOU FIGHT FOR HIM? You get the idea. PURGE THE UNCLEAN.
  8. Dear Ron, I have recently been experiencing issues with my feminine odor. But that's not important, because my question is this: why doesn't anything have to do with the price of tea in China?
  9. Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide, with no escape from reality?
  10. Needs to have someone beating his own head in with a pipe to really portray the fullness of the SL military community experience.
  11. Salutations, please report to Room 2104 c, in the Education Wing of the Admissions building for your official Welcome to the Ordo gift basket. Please sign form Alpha 981-E (6c revision) in order to insure that you will get the proper gift basket in an orderly, and timely fashion. Thank you for your cooperation and have a pleasant day.
  12. Vastly in some respects. Tactics have shifted from whomever fields the most insane nukes and shield-using jerk-faced kids to who has A) the most numbers or B) the quickest route to bantown. But we're still all jerks and assholes. Except Aryte <3. Weapons have improved in general (over, say, Sirlor scripting) and the general bar has been raised in terms of cooperation and professionalism, even in the dregs and micro-militaries. Progress doesn't seem like much when compared to where we want to go, but looking at where we came from, it's been a fascinating journey so far, and a greater distance than we may generally appreciate.
  13. Ah, the sunny glories of bright summer give way to the grim truths of Fall. I look forward to your despair. In other news, I hate the enrollment process, and having limited selection of classes. I should be able to design my own courses and major :(. Majoring in Evil Bastard (aiming for a Doctorate) and minoring in Xanatos Gambit Studies: "Inventive Interrogation with Common Objects 101" "Shadowing Suspects 1: Lab" "Unnerving Stare Workshop" "Improvised Self-Defense III" "Creative Household Chemistry" "Knitting" "The History of Counter-Surveillance" "Politics of Manipulation: Consiparcy Theories" "Study of Ceasar Borgia: Doing it Right" "Improvised Dramatic Lighting" * You get the idea. *(This would constitute the study of the reflective qualities of common surfaces and how best to achive things like underlighting your face using the surface of a table, or to find the deepest shadow to step out from, or calculating how best to achieve a well timed evil glint in your eye that can be seen by your antagonist in an alleyway at 4 in the afternoon, with minimal fire-escapes, but lots of cross-alley wiring and medial hanging laundry, while he stands 8 feet away facing you, while the sun is to your back.)
  14. The loin cloth was not part of the design :(
  15. Trinity once kicked a shark so hard, it grew ears.
  16. Steeltael can write the first chapter of "A Tale of Two Cities" in the snow. And you thought writing you name was impressive.
  17. Ron can hear a Kebab cart 30 miles away in a Finnish Winter Blizzard.
  18. I would suggest perhaps a set of seminars for the Officers to help them understand and more effectively use their positions in this area.
  19. Zrazor invented the Judy Chop, and has used it only once to destroy Jean Claude Van Damm
  20. No, I am, unless you wish the beatings to continue.
  21. In certain circles, I am known as the Midnight Train, regarding my penchant for going anywhere.

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