We could crush them with Fluff population alone. Fluff wise, Ordo's armed forces number in the tens of billions, a moderately sized Imperial Invasion Fleet can literally block out the sun, and the landing craft release a veritable deluge of zealot-soldiers ready to die for their Imperator and his Empire. In addition, given the Imperial nature of our society, we can draw conscripts from a civillian population numbering in the trillions (Fluff est. is around 23 trillion Imperial Subjects, counting military personnel). Anyway, all we would really have to do is capture Dilithium mining facilities and they would be forced into a position of compromise, since Dilithium cannot be made by Replicator technologies (last I knew). In ship to ship, our efforts would be focused on exploiting passages like the jeffries tubes, in order to gain access to structural support fields, gravity, etc. In the case we needed to destroy a ship, we can aim a massive magnetic distortion at their anti-matter generator, and cause it to collapse. Mind you, the magnitude of such a field would mean having to destroy or bypass their shields first, and would probably require some sort of damage to the magnetic shielding around the generator core itself. ...I know way too much about Star Trek ;_;