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Tiridates Mikadze

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Everything posted by Tiridates Mikadze

  1. I think I had a dream like this once, only it had Moses arguing with Nietzsche. But it was auto-tune'd and T Pain was there.
  2. Outstanding, but I am afraid zat zee Fuhrer vill not allow you to varn zee verld about zee invasion. Guttennacht, Herr Rozenstrauch.
  3. I'm going to skin you alive and drag you through a sea of salty lime juice for this.
  4. Uh, yeah. You people, and by "you people" I mean Furries, are abominations that I tolerate only because some of us perceive the Imperator as being such. When I glance upon him, I see only a delicate play of light and a feeling of warmth.
  5. This was fucking brilliant. Also, we need Jonathan Hutchings to narrate our next video, his voice is awesome.
  6. Stop being pussies, and make your own. Also, if you notice any Cult activities that do not follow the word and letter of the Dictates of Victory, report them to the nearest authority so that they may be purged. In an Imperial Hive, sickness, moral or bodily, moves rapidly through any population.
  7. ^--- Is just haet'n cause I'm a soulja fo' da Imperium. Representin' tha Double Eagle, Holy Terra, son.
  8. Use your barriers, folks. With less standard cover, the ability to carry and deploy your own becomes far more important. Also, staying mobile will help.
  9. My dear friends, when it feels like you're petting a dog when you scratch your chin, it's time to shave.
  10. I'm going to do more than that, just give me some time.
  11. I know what to do with insubordinates, just feed them to me.
  12. Seriously, I will accept this, being arbiter of all that is truly awesome, only if the shadow of Moore is looming in the background, ready to feed you into a wood-chipper.
  13. Sharks aren't nice animals. Why do we care about a Shark AV Gap when clearly, the Buck-tooth Gap is one we're loosing, and thank God for that.
  14. I'd look like Allen Moore crossed with Anthony Hopkins. I'd kick down Lestat's door for infringing on my copyright with furries.
  15. What do I keep telling you children about the devil of drink?
  16. Tanks are not toys, they are advanced, powerful, complex weapons, and require not just discretion and foresight for their general deployment, but also on the part of their operators.
  17. Welcome back to the Family. Kool-aid and cookies on that table.
  18. I don't understand any of this, but if my chest bling doesn't show up properly next time? Guess who's houses I'm going to burn down first.

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