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Scientific Waffle

Political Compass Test

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We should have a lib v. conservative scrimmage this weekend.

Keeping in mind of course that Ordo has members from countries all over the world, many of which have wildly differing standards of what exactly constitutes being a liberal or conservative.

Furthermore, the point of this political compass is to add a degree of depth to the classical single-dimensional left/right concept, allowing the mapping of a diverse array of political ideas along an axial socioeconomic cross-spectrum.

The questionnaire, however, is geared rather predominantly towards American political issues, so most of the results are ending up in the green quadrant (Liberal Democrat) or the blue quadrant (Conservative Republican), regardless of the nationality or political-mindedness of the individual in question, and I have heard several people express that they've bullshitted answers on questions they didn't quite understand or have any particular opinion about. Ergo, the results people are receiving from this compass are questionable and vague at best.

I am furthermore slightly concerned with the way that receiving a highly socially authoritarian (red or blue quadrant) score is being treated as some kind of fashionable thing here in the Ordo all of a sudden, as though receiving a score close to Hitler is somehow an ironically-cool thing. Especially baffling since the Ordo does have an admittedly rather high concentration of gay furries within its ranks, certainly rather disagreeable with the Judeo-Christian-derived conformist-collective attitudes and philosophies of a majority of American social conservatives today.

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Actually Zrazor, Obama is in the blue quadrant, right around where Gulliver is. The chart is intended to be international, and does not actually reflect US politics all too much. Read up more about the system on the website itself. Also, what did I say about discussing politics >:|

Furthermore, the upper part of the graph denotes authoritarianism, not necessarily Judeo-Christian social conservatism.

Going to update my graph later, exhausted after the flight.

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While the scale may not directly reflect obvious American political standards, the questionnaire specifically denotes issues that are predominantly American. Even more distracting are far more vague questions that add to there being very few who could easily understand the purpose of every single one of them in total. Yes, it probably does try to be international, but how many places have all of those political concerns? :P

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1) Obama is near me? Change my votes. [Actually, probably in a different quadrant, but in the grand, global scheme of things, far closer by the simple fact of being American. American political diversity when compared to most nations is quite narrow. Which is nice; it's a big reason we don't have tanks on the corners during regime changes.]

2) Zrazor, you mention some sort of conservative rah-rah pride, which I don't really detect outside of my bullshitting. You call it ironic. Then you worry about gay furries because some of us are in the same quadrant as Hitler (and Thatcher, wtf?). But you lump them, the Hitler dwellers with, "Judeo-Christian" 'values.' Ignoring the fact that the term Judeo-Christian is retarded from its conception, did it occur to you that Hitler-type folks weren't too on board with anything Judeo?

You're right, though. The quiz is largely worthless for a host of reasons. To name only two, the peculiar use of absolute and qualifying words in questions and the problem of whether something like this should be issue specific or concept specific.

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Z. You're making broad generalizations. Very broad generalizations. Keep in mind where the leader of this group with a high concentration of gay furries scored. Scoring in the authoritative side of the spectrum is a pretty far stone throw away from finding it "cool" that you scored near Hitler. Lumping social conservatives into one bag of "you can't be conservative if you're a furry!" or giving it this sideline scoff that someone would make a celebratory comment about being a social conservative (meanwhile rah-rahing for the opposite end of the spectrum), sort of underlines and propagates the naiveness in "u Repblicans" or "u Democratssss!"

In short, the reason why politics are staunchly frowned upon when discussed in the Ordo. The gray reality of difference is so easily cast aside for mindless straight ticket ranting.

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